Multiple Properties/Veralites

I have three properties that I would eventually like to monitor and control remotely. I plan to purchase a Veralite for each. My question is can the software/apps handle multiple locations and Veralites?

It appears that once you set up each location/Veralite with a separate account you can request to have the accounts “bridged” so you can access each and all with one login. True?

You do not need to bridge, you just assign the new unit to the same user account, no matter where they are located.

Yes, the software can manage this and there are various app that handle multiple units assigned to the same account.

Also, you may also wish to look at the next release of Vera Edge which is the newest hardware platform to be released

I just ordered my first Vera (a Veralite). I thought about ordering the new hub for $50 more, but it will not ship until February. Maybe I’ll go for that for my Florida location. What are some of the advantages to the new hub?

BTW, will I ever be able to post without going through the verification hoops each time!!??