Multiple Apartment Intercom

I am currently looking at putting smart home systems in an apartment complex that consists of 3 apartments.
They’d all have their own vera hub and all devices would connect to their corresponding hubs but when it comes to the intercom, I want to try to avoid using 3 different intercom systems.

I was wondering if it was possible to get an intercom system that used one keypad to access the 3 different apartments like a conventional system but was able to connect to the vera hub.

Another note;
The complex will have a security camera system (just exterior) and it would be nice if the different apartments were able to pull up the feeds, again without using multiple cameras.

Thanks for the help guys!

So you want intercom panels in a wall at each apartment?
How are you thinking of displaying the video from the cameras to each apartment?

[quote=“Jamr, post:2, topic:195974”]So you want intercom panels in a wall at each apartment?
How are you thinking of displaying the video from the cameras to each apartment?[/quote]

I was hoping for a system where they are able to be rung to their phones or tablet. So a system like Ring, without having to have three separate cameras, just one with a keypad to dial in each apartment individually.

As for the camera system, if only one apartment was hooked up to it, I would have connected them through Ethernet. Is it possible to have 1 device connected to multiple vera hubs? Could this be done with 1 hub and have added users be limited to what they are able to use.
ie. You have one Edge that is the hub for all devices in the apartment, and have 1, 2, and 3 connect to the hub but have limited access to what they devices they can use…

You can buy these ready made online very cheaply.

Here’s an example-

I’m not sure what the quality would be like but there are many different versions and levels.
Is this something that would help?

I have thought about just having a stand alone system, but it would be nice to have it so that you can connect it to your watch / phone / tablet etc. Get alerts when you are out and all that nice stuff. I had a look at the Doorbird and apparently they are bringing multi tenant intercom in 2017…

So until then I guess either I’ll have to install a temporary system that gets the job done without being connected to the smart home world.