Multiple Alerts Firing

Hey Team -

I’m not sure this is a VeraAlerts issue or not but thought I’d start here…

I’m in a situation where, when someone unlocks my Schlage BE469, I get multiple alerts sent to me. The count varies from 2 to sometimes as many as 6.

My setup is very simple:

  1. VeraPlus UI5
  2. Notifications setup on the Lock Device.
  3. PIN Code #X is entered on Front Door Lock sent to two recipients.
  4. Custom text in VeraAlerts (email sent via GMail account)


I’ve had the same issue with mine. Do you have anything else firing off at the same time? (E.G. Other scenes, maybe a light turning on, etc).

I also deleted and re-added my lock and it seemed to work better.

[quote=“edgebinary, post:2, topic:192755”]I’ve had the same issue with mine. Do you have anything else firing off at the same time? (E.G. Other scenes, maybe a light turning on, etc).

I also deleted and re-added my lock and it seemed to work better.[/quote]

I’m not willing to delete and re-add my lock just yet. That always seems like a pain for this lock. Plus I will lose my PINs, notifications, and other automation configurations, etc.

Interesting question though… I DO have scenes firing. They run a Sonos command that says “Welcome home, XXXXX”.

I’ve got the same issue, since moving to veraplus. Excluding and re-including didn’t solve it.

So weird.