Motion sensors false trip

PLEASE help me :slight_smile:
I called tech support and they couldn’t help

Basically my motion sensors false trip while I’m gone and their armed. One is a Aeon 4 in 1 and the other 3 are Eco Links
I came from ST and tried a few other hubs in the middle and none of them had this issue, the ST never false tripped but once in a year.
The vera does 4 times a day and using the same exact sensors.

Is there a threshold or a time of motion threshold setting with the profile??? Or anything else you can think of.
PLEASE help!


I would stick them in a closet or a box for a day or three and see if they still do it. If not, they are detecting something.

Most motion sensors are IR. Make sure they aren’t facing straight into the sun as they could be “blinded” and respond funny.

I have the aeon 4-1. I have found that intense sunlight can trip the motion sensor when it hits it directly. Not sure if the heat of the sunlight creates the fault or some other issue. The sensor was getting tripped around the same time daily. Moving the sensor cured the problem

Thanks, just weird that no other hub does it. Also I’m getting a few messages with them not armed??? Weird
I have the sensors in a closet trying that… but is there a threshold for - detect motion for _ then trip?

Any one know of a motion or trigger threshold??

[quote=“kigmatzomat, post:2, topic:197428”]I would stick them in a closet or a box for a day or three and see if they still do it. If not, they are detecting something.

Most motion sensors are IR. Make sure they aren’t facing straight into the sun as they could be “blinded” and respond funny.[/quote]

My camera in the living room gets fooled on cloudy and windy days when the light level will suddenly drop when a dark cloud obscures the sun, and suddenly get bright again.

Thank you for all the responses, but would like to repeat, this is unique to Vera!
ST doesn’t false trigger with same sensors in same place, there is a profile setting they must be using that delays triggers or sets a lower threshold…

Could the battery be dying? I have had devices do strange things as they powered on and off.

Batteries are good in all 4 devices

I was just told there is a threshold setting in the Z-Wave but don’t now where… Anybody?

Search for Parameter Settings for the devices that are giving you trouble.

Can anyone tell me more details about these variables