Motion Sensor "Idle" event

Would it be possible to add an option to the “idle” event to only trigger if the sensor is armed?

Dear pjgolian,

what exactly do you mean? Do you want an event to be triggerd only if the sensor is armed? At events you can choose a “Event type:”:
a) An armed sensor is tripped
b) A sensor (door/window/…) is tripped

If you choose “b” you can set two more options - is tripped or goes idle after tripped.

br, Christoph

Option B doesn’t work for me since it ignores the “armed” state. Basically, I need option A to offer a similar “goes idle” as option B.

I don’t really understand… Do you want to trigger the scene always when the sensor is idle, or only when the sensor is armed?

I want an option to tell Vera to react only to the idle command from the motion sensor if the sensor is armed.

I am currently using the arm setting on a couple of my motion sensors so that they will only turn on the lights when motion is detected at night time. I am using the sunset event to arm the sensors and a bedtime scene to disarm.

However, during the day I will sometimes manually will turn the light on (the light controlled by the sensor). The problem is Vera still turns the light off when it sees the idle since there is no way to tie that to the arm setting.

Ah. That’s a bug and shouldn’t happen. I’ll fix it right away.