Motion detector to active

Hello ,

I have outside , near my gate a motion detector ( everspring) , but it is not working properly. It has a lot of false detects, I think with the very hot outside air temperatures , and the colder leaves from the trees and a bit of wind causes the false detects. Also in Wintertime when the "F?hn"is blowing through the valley , I get a lot of false detects.

I noticed the false detects are very very short , 1 second or so. When people are on my property , I expect the motion detect to be longer.

What I would like to try is to use PLEG, Send a notification when the motion detect is 2 seconds or more. But I don’t know how to set this up in PLEG.

-logic input:
Motion detect.
Timer> self retrigger, interval, 2 seconds

NameA: Motion_detect
NAmeB: Motion_detect AND NOT Timer

NameA>> start timer
NameB>> send message

But I am stuck with the condition “NameB”. Motion_detect AND NOT Timer
I don’t think this is right, but what should it be?


Motion_detect AND (MotionDetect; !Timer)

So Motion Detected is currently detected, and the timer ended since the motion detection started (sequence expression).

Note I have 3 Everspring SP103s outside, and get some false detections, but I don’t see them being shorter than valid detections. All of mine are 5 seconds (minimum).

@Wilme2: Many thanks, I know I was missing something!

It is indeed the SP103 which I have outside as well. I configured my vera to send a notification when motion is detected. What I understand from your message is, that the “time- off-knob” is set at 5 seconds. But I don’t think this has anything to do with the time when the motion detector send it’s command. They are talking about the load , or a lamp.

Time-off knob controls how long the connected load or lamp will stay on after the motion has been detected. It is set from 5 seconds to 12 minutes. ?T? means 5 seconds, while ?+? is 12 minutes. After the expiry of preset time-off, the Detector will turn OFF the load or the lamp plugged into the On/Off Module AN135, Lamp Module AD130. The red indicator LED on the load or the connected lamp will be off too.

I see there in the manual there is an option to change the configuraion , maybe the sensitivity can be changes to a lower setting. I will start another thread for this, nothing to do with PLEG.


Just tweaking my system again a little bit.

I would like also to run a scene when motion is detected, but only fire that scene when when it has not been fired for the last 1 minute.

-Timer: 1 minute, self retrigger, interval.

-condition:start timer
-condition: Motion_detect AND NOT Timer

action: start time
action: run scene

But I am pretty sure the second condition is wrong again :-\ >> Motion_detect AND NOT Timer

Thanks for your help,

That’s very simple with the multicount operator:

Input trigger:

MotionNotInLastMinute Motion @ 2 > 1:00

Cool Thanks!

For my “learning” PLEG , would this also work? or is there an error in this condition?

Motion_detect AND NOT Timer

edit , just to make sure; the action will fire , when it first senses motion , but if it happends again within 1 minute , nothing happends , untill that minute has passed?



I have this test condition now for a couple of weeks , but it behaves not exactly as planned.

Fot testing I have a virtual switch , when selected on , it automatically goes off again with PLEG. And with the

VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00 I was expecting a notfication the first time when the VS was triggered. And when the VS was triggered after for example 1,5 minutes, or 2 minutes , I get again a notification. But it doesn’t , the timings in between needs to be at least 5 minutes.

In short , when I click , I get a notification.
When I click again within one minute , nothing happends , which is expected.
When I click again after 1 minute also nothing happends , which I don’t understand , I want after 1 minute that I get again a notification when the virtual switch is selected on.


Anyone has an idea why it is not working as intended, that after 1 minute and motion again I don;t get a notification?


Because the condition is already TRUE and you do NOT have REPEATS on.

Ah , ok , I have switch on the repeats now .

Thanks, I will try again.


Still not working as intended.

I switched on “repeats”, but now I get 2 notifications within 5 seconds. ( see screenshot).

What else is wrong? , why do I get now 2 notifications?


I am a noob when it comes to PLEG but the highlighted probably should be !timer_motion_detector. Not sure this is your issue but that jumped out at me.

@ Don Philippe:

I am not using that PLEG part for the moment for this motion detect , I initiually had this with a timer , but Richard said I better use the :“Motion @ 2 > 1:00” . So there is no action/ notification associated with that condition.

The double notification only comes from the :“Motion @ 2 > 1:00” . But why a double notification?


I made a test setup with a Test PLEG and a virtual switch instead of a motion detector.

The virtual switch goes automatically back to off and the condition: VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00

When I switch the virtual switch to on , I get 2 notifications , instead of 1.

Anyone has an idea why?


[quote=“Cor, post:14, topic:196532”]I made a test setup with a Test PLEG and a virtual switch instead of a motion detector.

The virtual switch goes automatically back to off and the condition: VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00

When I switch the virtual switch to on , I get 2 notifications , instead of 1.

Anyone has an idea why?


Try this for test_motion: “VS_1 and VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00”.

When you turned VS_1 off, you tripped PLEG again since VS_1 is a trigger, and you didn’t check to see if it was still on - you just checked the last two on timestamps.

@ Wilme2: thanks for looking into this .

I just changed it , but get an error from vera:
GATE Test PLEG[59] : VS_1 AND VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00: Illegal Multi Trigger Expression: VS_1 AND VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00

You have another suggestion?


VS_1 and (VS_1 @ 2 > 1:00)


Working as intended now .
Many thanks,

How should I change this example if I wanted to execute certain action every time there hasn’t been motion in the last minute? Tried to negate those triggers but it didn’t work. E.g. to switch off a light when there hasn’t been any motion.

How should I change this example if I wanted to execute certain action every time there hasn’t been motion in the last minute? Tried to negate those triggers but it didn’t work. E.g. to switch off a light when there hasn’t been any motion.[/quote]

You are going to have to start a timer when there IS motion. And then execute when the timer expires. Using a Condition with Repeats turned on, and a Schedule set to Self Re-trigger. Take a stab at it and post the status PDF if you get lost…