Monoprice HDMI 4x4 Matrix Plugin Setup Question

I’ve been looking around for a good resource to help with setting up the Monoprice HDMI Matrix and havne’t had much luck. Here is how far I have gotten so far.

I installed the plugin on the vera lite and I can get to the device on the “My Apps” page. If I click on the device from the app it only has the option to change the name and what room it is in. It doesn’t show up on the main devices page so I’m unsure how I can give it an ip address for the ethernet to RS232 adapter I have.

If I go into a scene I can see the 4 outputs on the advanced tab and set commands. I’m just not able to get to the device settings. Has anyone else ran into this issue?

I haven’t been able to get this to work either. I am thinking that perhaps the software author intended the use of a USB-Serial adapter installed on the Vera itself? That would explain why there isn’t a place to put the IP address.


You would also need the IPserial plugin for this to work.