Monitor temperature sensor updates

I’m wondering if there is a plugin that can monitor several temperature sensors so that I receive a push when Vera hasn’t received an update in a certain amount of time, e.g. in 1 hour? I have searched and haven’t found a really suitable one.

If there is no plugin, I should be able to monitor this via PLEG pretty easily, right?

PLEG can do this:

SensorN Bound to some sensor Device Property.

NotifyN SensorN; NOW > HH:MM:SS

Specify the HH:MM:SS of delay before the notification.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:179186”]PLEG can do this:

SensorN Bound to some sensor Device Property.

NotifyN SensorN; NOW > HH:MM:SS

Specify the HH:MM:SS of delay before the notification.[/quote]
Well, that’s pretty straight forward. :slight_smile: If I have several sensors to monitor, do I need to put each in a separate line?

That why i use N replace N with 1, 2, 3, …

I meant if I could do something like below to have a more condensed code:

Conditon: NotifyNoTempSection1 Sensor1, Sensor2, Sensor3; NOW > HH:MM:SS

I did not think of that … but that’s a great use of the comma separated sequence expression.

Good, then I’m on the right track. :slight_smile: Though, if I want to be able to quickly identify the failing sensor I should probably split them up to be able to customize the message sent.

I tried this out in PLEG for one of the sensors, notifying me via VeraAlerts if it hadn’t been updated the last minute.

GarageTemp; NOW > 00:01:00

It notifies me once but not more. What can I do to let it “re-start” the monitoring so that I get another alert after one more minute?

I’m not sure that you are trying to achieve same as me, i e a safety notification that tells me that the sensor hasn’t been communicating for a certain amount of time. However, I did use BatteryDate with some success:

DeviceProperty; BattDate = BatteryDate
Condition c1: BattDate; NOW>01:00:00

It did work in the sence that it provided me with multiple notifications in the middle of the night, which made me check the EventWatcher log just to see that my Everspring sensor seems to sleep all night too.

[quote=“Freddan101, post:7, topic:179186”]Good, then I’m on the right track. :slight_smile: Though, if I want to be able to quickly identify the failing sensor I should probably split them up to be able to customize the message sent.

I tried this out in PLEG for one of the sensors, notifying me via VeraAlerts if it hadn’t been updated the last minute.

GarageTemp; NOW > 00:01:00

It notifies me once but not more. What can I do to let it “re-start” the monitoring so that I get another alert after one more minute?[/quote]

If you add an underscore prefix to the Condition name, it will fire every minute that GarageTemp is not updated.

I don’t know what kind of sensor you use, but my Everspring ST814 does not create an event unless the temperature is changed, i e if the temperature is 22 degrees C for 8 hours no temperature reading event will be created.

[quote=“RexBeckett, post:9, topic:179186”][quote=“Freddan101, post:7, topic:179186”]Good, then I’m on the right track. :slight_smile: Though, if I want to be able to quickly identify the failing sensor I should probably split them up to be able to customize the message sent.

I tried this out in PLEG for one of the sensors, notifying me via VeraAlerts if it hadn’t been updated the last minute.

GarageTemp; NOW > 00:01:00

It notifies me once but not more. What can I do to let it “re-start” the monitoring so that I get another alert after one more minute?[/quote]

If you add an underscore prefix to the Condition name, it will fire every minute that GarageTemp is not updated.[/quote]
That worked pretty well, a lot of messages. :slight_smile: But what I’m after is to kind of “reset” the timer.

Say that I get a message sent to me that the garage sensor hasn’t sent an update for 6 hours. Now I would like to get another message if the sensor hasn’t sent an update for another 6 hours. Is that possible?


Yes, this is for safety as I control the radiator in the garage via Smart Virtual Thermostat using the temp sensor data. I have an Oregon sensor communicating via RFXcom. As the the temp is reported with a decimal updates are usually sent pretty regularly. Otherwise BatteryDate is smart to use, though this is nothing I can use via RFXcom.

See @RicharTSchaefer’s Repeat notification example.

I skipped repeat notifcation for now and just added a notification when the temp has been reported again. Also added a check for humidity so the garage will heat up some more to get humidity down. Not sure if I need the underscore in the condition names but I had some problems to make the statement true in the beginning. Perhaps because the humidity was already above 70% at the time.

It would be awesome if a monitor function would be implemented in a plugin.

[code]Device Properties

Name Device Name Device Variable
GarageTemp Temperatur Garage CurrentTemperature
GarageHum Luftfuktighet Garage CurrentLevel

Name Expression
GarageTempOld GarageTemp; NOW > 02:00:00
GarageTempNew GarageTemp; NOW < 02:00:00
GarageTempRe GarageTempOld; GarageTempNew
_GarageHumHi GarageHum >= 70
_GarageHumLo GarageHum <= 65[/code]