Missing SqueezeController Picture

Been using the App for a month or so now and learning Vera along the way.

App is very polished but noticed 1 or 2 things missing

With the squeezecontroller app installed the server is created as a device and you can click on it for a info dialog but in the general UI it just shows a question mark all the time. Could you change this to a music note icon or maybe display current songs playing if any are playing? Just to add that little bit of polish.

Also got your WOLping plugin working and they way I understand it is it shows a virtual switch. Any chance of intercepting this at the app level and changing the Picture to a PC or having it configurable for the user to change the Icon.

Understand you are time limited on this project but this is about all the criticism I have.

Love the way it flows now that I have my head around the navigation… click device or scene then click room then click device to control. Ingenious.

This is the parent device of the squeezebox plugin and has no real functionality. It would not take long to add an icon, it is just a matter of when.

This actually mimics an actual binary switch and not a virtual switch. So there is no way of changing the icon. Even at the app level, this would require some work on the backend level to the database and also on the UI.

  • Garrett

This is the parent device of the squeezebox plugin and has no real functionality. It would not take long to add an icon, it is just a matter of when.

This actually mimics an actual binary switch and not a virtual switch. So there is no way of changing the icon. Even at the app level, this would require some work on the backend level to the database and also on the UI.

  • Garrett[/quote]

If you could mimic the system monitor device, I think that would suit nicely when you get the time.

Regards Javelin


Not sure I understand? What about the system monitor device do you want me to mimic?

  • Garrett

Just a picture with the two lines of text.

Maybe two lines one saying if server is active? is there a way to get this variable?

And was thinking transport state variable but thats more from a player rather than the server device.

The parent device does not expose any variables except for ip address and port. All information on the other players will follow under that player device. I’ll add to my feature list for adding icons to the parent devices that I support for the next version which will be some time before release.

  • Garrett