Missing devices

Hello everyone I have setup all my devices and can control everything from myMiOS with the Iphone on via WiFi/ 3g and open up my dashboard

But I can’t get the Iphone app iVera to work properly
Only half my devices show up and the thermostat is not there
I have refreshed a few times



Have you also tried a Settings → Advanced → Reset All Settings in iVera?

Yes I have

And have you tried with ‘Hide Unsupported’ and ‘Hide Unassigned’ set to On?

And did you assign all devices to a room?

Hello yes all devices have been assigned to rooms ie bedroom, living room, kitchen


And ‘playing’ with the ‘Hide Unsupported’ / ‘Hide Unassigned’ options; no difference?
Are you connected through local WiFi?
Can you control the devices that do show up?
iVera v1.0.6? Vera firmware .1245?
Less than 50 Z-Wave devices?

Everything working now and all devices showing up Ivera, using Beta version 1.2.5


I’m having the exact same problems… no thermostats appearing on my iPod Touch running iVera v1.0.6 with v4.3.3 OS on the machine. Thermostats are assigned to rooms, everything works great in the dashboard. I’ve tried the steps discussed in this thread including rebooting Vera 2. I’ll have to try to find the beta… ???


I would just like to clarify that the Free version of iVera will only allow you to see two (2) lights (dimmer or switch) and two (2) scenes. It is then expected that Thermostats, Sensors, Cameras, … will not show up with this version.
Apple didn’t allow to simply list a device if you couldn’t control it in the Free version. The Full version will give you access to all your devices.