MiOS very slow

I have a Vera lite with 49 devices leviton and a Yale lock installed. In some rooms the scenes are very slow, these scenes run when I press a button of a control of Leviton scenes VRCS4, the rooms mentioned are around 33 foots of distance to Vera lite. Also when I press one Swich or a Dimmer the report of this change en MiOS is very slow too. I help you in order to repair this situation. Thanks.

Ricardo Avila M.

which Vera do you have? If you have a Vera2 you might be running out of memory. try to put a USB memory stick or reduce the number of plugins you have, see http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,15333.0.html

Thanks capjay, I have a Vera Lite, now my question is: would I put a USB memory to enhance the speed? and how a USB memory help to enhance the speed?

After reading this I wonder if the lack of memory is in regards of storage memory or processing memory?

I use a Vera Lite too, I have about 50 devices (Z-Wave and plugins, and so on) and I don’t feel any slowdown yet. Maybe you have too many plugins? or too many schedules that repeat very often? I think you should do some troubleshooting to see if you are low in memory pr processing or what. A good start is the SysMon plugin, which can show you memory and CPU status …

Thanks, I’ll dowload SysMon to probe MiOS, see you…

Hi obbi13, I don’t know yet if that is for storage or processing

it stores logs on the usb memstick, so if you put in a fast usb stick and tick the option to store logs on usb memstick it sure makes a difference.

Thanks Da_JoJo, but I still not store logs, then why my vera lite is slow?

what output you got from the sysmon plugin ?

I don’t install this plug-in still

please do so and share the output :slight_smile:

OK, thanks