MiOS message

Hi new to the Forum and new user. I’m making myself nuts with my VeraLite and a couple of Westinghouse Thermostats…my first adventure into ZWave. The thermostats are in and working, they are communicating to the VeraLite and I can see and work them on my computer locally. As soon as I leave the house I have no communication, in fact, after login to the Vera site and it finds my system, I get a blank screen. I have not been able to establish the MiOS connection since day one and suspect that is the issue. I get this message:
“I didn’t detect a unit on your home network. If you have a new unit, please connect it as shown and when the Z-Wave light is on solid click ‘Continue’ and I’ll try to find it”. I have sent three emails and left 4 voice messages over the past couple days and no response from the MiCasaverde tech support… Any ideas? I have all three lights although the green light flashes very rapidly and I have good internet connection otherwise to everything else.

Which Vera site? (This is not a silly question. Vera recently introduced new sites to match its new firmware. Depending on your firmware version you should be visiting either cp.mios.com or home.getvera.com.) It would also be helpful if you can tell us which firmware version your vera is running.