MiOS App Update for iOS (v1.8) - October 30, 2024


We are excited to announce the release of version 1.8 of the MiOS app for iOS! This update includes numerous fixes and improvements aimed at enhancing your experience. Below is a detailed breakdown of what’s new:

MiOS iOS App v1.8


  • Implemented the UI for Ezlo Aware devices in devices list.
  • Added design for the new Ezlo Aware tiles on the dashboard, as well as support for all child devices.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed: Partner logo and branding colors now load properly on first login.
  • Fixed an issue where live streaming through relay was not working on VC702.
  • Fixed an issue where login was stuck causing the app to hang.
  • Fixed a condition causing app to crash when opened.
  • Fixed app crashing when pairing Ezlo Pi device with custom type.
  • Fixed crash issue when configuring EzloPi without Bluetooth connection.
  • App now correctly displays “Adopt unsuccessful” when configuring EzloPi device.
  • Fixed issue where adopting Ezlo Pi device resulted in a spinning wheel and adoption failure.
  • Fixed an issue where live stream did not load after playing a recording from the timeline.
  • Display measured values for Multi-sensor A8-9 in Device screen for improved user experience.
  • Fixed issue where Eltako Dimmer EUD62NPN-IP was incorrectly displaying On/Off button. The
  • device has only dimming capability.
  • Updated the icon for Eltako ESB62NP-IP Shading actuator in Meshbots when used as activation event or action.
  • Corrected display issues for multiple devices supported by the Swidget Plugin: Pressure Sensor, Air Quality Sensor, Volatile Compound Sensor and CO2 level sensors.

Release notes link: