Mertik Maxitrol G6R - H4T1

I’m trying to control my Dru fireplace that uses a Mertik Maxitrol G6R - H4T1 remote control, via Vera using the Rfxtrx transceiver. Through Vera I can switch the fire On, but cannot switch it off, or adjust output - but I’d be happy even if I could just switch it off!

The Rfxtrx is stable as I have other devices operating fine through it. Mertik protocol in Rfxtrx enabled - in fact I have tried just enabling that one in case there is interference from other Rfx protocols. The Rfx/Vera registers the remote and I can see the Heater device be configured in Vera, along with on/off and temp control.

I have taken a look at Vera logs and can see the commands being issued from the Vera/Rfx to fire, but interestingly the hex codes sent are not exactly the same as those that I see coming in from the remote when I use the RfxMgr - the RfxMgr shows the full codes (ie Make, sub type, sequence etc about 9 Hex characters) but the code from the Vera is only 5 Hex characters. Plus the command codes from the Vera are not exactly the same as those issued from the remote.

Any help appreciated!
