Memory Usage Change Question

The attached screen image is of the Memory Report from EventWatcher for my Vera 3. I see this sudden change all the time, sometimes several hours other times a half hour or so. I’m curious if anyone understands whats happening and can enlighten me.

On the on hand it has the earmarks of memory leakage as it slowly drifts down, on the other hand it has the signs of some sort of intelligent memory management to recover “lost” memory.

This is either garbage collection working periodically, as it should, or a restart. You would have to inspect the log to ensure that it was not the latter (but likely not, since total available memory does not increase.) It’s not memory leakage, per se, since it seems to be recoverable… just normal memory usage by plugins and the system.

A typical day from one of my VeraLites attached.

[quote=“akbooer, post:2, topic:181102”]This is either garbage collection working periodically, as it should, or a restart. You would have to inspect the log to ensure that it was not the latter (but likely not, since total available memory does not increase.)

A typical day from one of my VeraLites attached.[/quote]

There was no restart since the normal 2:30 Heal Restart so this must be cleanup of done kind. I’m a bit surprised that it does that but pleasantly so :slight_smile:


The whole system would grind to a halt very quickly if this mechanism did not work. Automatic garbage collection is a feature of Lua, which places it above the lower ranks such as the C language.

Thanks, satisfies my curiosity :slight_smile:
