Media information for the different Sonos services

I open this topic to get a feedback on what media information is able to display the plugin (in Player tab) compared to the official Sonos application, for the different Sonos services.

I know it is ok for Tunein and AUPEO! serivces because I use them.

I just got a free trial for qobuz service. Media information are all retrieved well.
Minor thing to fix: service name is not displayed. I found a way to retrieve it and it could help for other services too. I will include a fix for that soon.
More important thing to fix: queue restore when the queue contains qobuz music

What about the other Sonos service (Spotify, Deezer, …) ? Is it ok ? Or are certain information missing ?

The missing info that irks me greatly - bear in mind I love my Sonos - is lyric information. Most of my ~11,000 tracks have lyrics. Sure I know a chunk but every now and then…

Since years missing lyrics! This would be a real killer feature…

I am not talking about adding data that even Sonos does not provide. I just want to know if I miss something in comparison to the Sonos application for certain music services.

Ahhh ok existing media info accessible to Sonos. Wishful thinking !

[quote=“lolodomo, post:1, topic:174654”]I just got a free trial for qobuz service. Media information are all retrieved well.
Minor thing to fix: service name is not displayed. I found a way to retrieve it and it could help for other services too. I will include a fix for that soon.[/quote]

Now fixed in the last version in the trunk.

More important thing to fix: queue restore when the queue contains qobuz music

I have big difficulty to fix this one. I will have to spy network to understand how qobuz fills the Sonos queue :frowning:

I assume the problem is common with other WEB music services as soon as they are using the Sonos queue.

[quote=“lolodomo, post:6, topic:174654”]

More important thing to fix: queue restore when the queue contains qobuz music

I have big difficulty to fix this one. I will have to spy network to understand how qobuz fills the Sonos queue :frowning:

I assume the problem is common with other WEB music services as soon as they are using the Sonos queue.[/quote]

With the help of wireshark, I have finally found what was wrong in my metadata to restore queue with qobuz titles.
As for all paying music services, we have to fill in the medata a tag named “desc” with a value like SA_RINCONXXXX_account where “XXXX” is a number specific to each service and “account” your account login to this music service.

I was able to get the value of SA_RINCON for tunein and AUPEO! services checking the content of transport URI metadata. Unfortunately, for qobuz and probably other services, these metadata are empty and I have no idea where to find the required data (accounts). It seems that they are exchanged between the Sonos zone and the control application through a subscribe/notify mechanism at control application startup.