There are solutions, but nothing really off-the-shelf within reason.
I’ve done branch circuit monitoring in data centers with products like these below, but they are not inexpensive, and generally use ModBus or similar interfaces and so would require considerable additional effort to interface to Vera:
The retrofit kits, for existing panels (these are typically otherwise built in to the power distribution system) are usually a logic board with a number of split core CTs that you wire to the logic board–open the CT, clamp it around the wire, connect to board, and Bob’s Your Uncle. It just comes at a horrifying cost.
You could do a “poor man’s version” by using CTs like these: (preview URL for your comfort/security)
These units output a conditioned 4-20ma (other versions 0-10V, 0-5V, etc.) signal in proportion to current, so you’d need to come up with an interface for them that the Vera could reach.
An even cheaper solution on a per-circuit basis would be create the entire thing from scratch using bare CTs, like these:
These particular units output a current proportional to the current of the monitored circuit. Bare CTs like this need to be handled very carefully, though, as they can induce substantial, dangerous voltages across their secondaries–you do not want to be handling the ends of the wires when the thing is wrapped around a live circuit. But, as you can see from the unit cost of the CT itself, if you are capable of building the interface, you can get a lot done for the cost of one of the above “pre-fab” 4-20ma units.
For either the “pre-fab” 4-20ma unit or the bare CT, the hardware interface isn’t difficult: Ohm’s Law lets you convert the output current range signal to a voltage range signal, and feed that voltage to (example) a NodeMCU’s A-D pin to convert the analog voltage signal to a digital value. Scale to range, and there you are. Vera queries the NodeMCU over WiFi.
BTW, for testing if high-current appliances are running, IMO it is much safer to use a split-core “pre-fab” unit with binary output (just a different version of the 4-20ma that has switch contacts that close or open when current sensed exceeds a settable threshold) than a Z-Wave “appliance” plug–I’m just too paranoid to believe the ratings and certifications on those products.