Mapping from plugin number to plugin?

I’m still running the ancient 1.0.996 on my V1. There have been no new devices added for weeks. I will have the “no Zwave” error crop up every few days, and realize this may just be the network vapor-locking because if the Zensys routing bug.

Curiosity, though: I occasionally catch the message on the UI2 dashboard “Downloading plugin #XXX”, where XXX==188 this morning. I’m surprised that the system is still acquiring new plugins for software this old without any other provocation. Is there any way to tell what the heck “plugin 188” is, does?


[quote=“rlmalisz, post:1, topic:167729”]I’m still running the ancient 1.0.996 on my V1. There have been no new devices added for weeks. I will have the “no Zwave” error crop up every few days, and realize this may just be the network vapor-locking because if the Zensys routing bug.

Curiosity, though: I occasionally catch the message on the UI2 dashboard “Downloading plugin #XXX”, where XXX==188 this morning. I’m surprised that the system is still acquiring new plugins for software this old without any other provocation. Is there any way to tell what the heck “plugin 188” is, does?


A minor update. I’m seeing Vera report the download of this plugin when I try to execute a scene using the SQ Remote interface from my iPhone. And the scenes never execute. I don’t see the download every time, but if there’s been much time elapsed since the last attempt, I do. And it’s always plugin #188.

Simple on/off commands and status labels work fine from SQC. But the scene execution seems to need some bit that it keeps trying to install and never gets functional. Odd.


EDIT: never mind–this is the “SQC can’t run scenes for 1.0.996” issue, which I finally found in the SQC section of the fora. Downgraded to 1.0.995, and now things work as expected, and I am not seeing the pointless attempts to download the plug-in any more. Sigh.