Major outage - Richard ?,34044.0.html


As was told in the other thread, your PLEG got updated but vera UI did not and you have a problem now. Richard has said since the last update was released that the latest PLEG fixes the broken VERA update. But it is not backwards compatible.

Correct, I have a problem now. I want to know how it will be corrected.

So, am I to understand I now need to upgrade to MCV’s latest firmware, which breaks my system, and causes me to uninstall and re-install most typical devices, like a basic GE JASCO switch, or a lamp module. I had tried the MCV update, and it was a horror Just because I was unfortunate enough to have auto update enabled?? Really?

So, the solution becomes obvious.

I cannot be the only one this still impacts, and someone needs to figure out a way to show us all how to remove the auto update on our apps. I have to believe the developers can provide some guidance, no ?

As a former mortgage broker, when the Underwriter said there was a sudden issue, and the borrower was now denied the loan, and the moving truck was already at the borrowers house, I did not just accept the answer, but dug deeper to find someone to help. I never had an issue that could not be resolved…unless I gave up and stopped asking questions…

Surely, someone can help us get out of this unforeseen situation, no ?

[quote=“MrAutomate, post:3, topic:189021”]Correct, I have a problem now. I want to know how it will be corrected.

So, am I to understand I now need to upgrade to MCV’s latest firmware, which breaks my system, and causes me to uninstall and re-install most typical devices, like a basic GE JASCO switch, or a lamp module. I had tried the MCV update, and it was a horror Just because I was unfortunate enough to have auto update enabled?? Really?

So, the solution becomes obvious.

I cannot be the only one this still impacts, and someone needs to figure out a way to show us all how to remove the auto update on our apps. I have to believe the developers can provide some guidance, no ?

As a former mortgage broker, when the Underwriter said there was a sudden issue, and the borrower was now denied the loan, and the moving truck was already at the borrowers house, I did not just accept the answer, but dug deeper to find someone to help. I never had an issue that could not be resolved…unless I gave up and stopped asking questions…

Surely, someone can help us get out of this unforeseen situation, no ?[/quote]

So your option is update vera software or downgrade Plugins by restoring to a previous time. I don’t have a problem with autoupdate on my EDGE’s ui7. I’m still running older version of PLEG on 2 of my VERA’s with one running the latest.

@ integlikewhoa - thanks, but that’s the rub…If I restore to a previous version of a backup, the AUTO UPDATE is selected, and the PLC and PLEG update quickly, that is why I am seeking some assistance to tell me how I can quickly deselect auto update. Unplugging the router did not work. I am seeking help on how to manually edit a backup file tp deselect auto update , like MCV can apparently do, and that solved the issue…That is way beyond my capability.

PLEG is fantastic, and I appreciate all the users in the forum to their expertise, and experience, and I have to imagine someone can help (faster than MCV) in helping manipulate a backup file to deselect auto update…

[quote=“MrAutomate, post:5, topic:189021”]@ integlikewhoa - thanks, but that’s the rub…If I restore to a previous version of a backup, the AUTO UPDATE is selected, and the PLC and PLEG update quickly, that is why I am seeking some assistance to tell me how I can quickly deselect auto update. Unplugging the router did not work. I am seeking help on how to manually edit a backup file tp deselect auto update , like MCV can apparently do, and that solved the issue…That is way beyond my capability.

PLEG is fantastic, and I appreciate all the users in the forum to their expertise, and experience, and I have to imagine someone can help (faster than MCV) in helping manipulate a backup file to deselect auto update…[/quote]

Vera support probley your only option as was said in the other thread you already started.

EDIT: Have you tried to unplug it from the internet while you run the backup so it can’t update? Then unselect the auto update before you plug it back in?

Thanks again for the note - Good news ;D , and I will post the solution in hopes I can save even one person from my weeks of trying to get PLEG running fully again.

Well, unknown to me, my firmware version, 1.7.1181 had a bug that prevented the auto update from being modified.

Since I could not turn off auto update, any restore I did had no effect, because the faulty version of PLEG would be re-installed.

MCV responded today "It has been fixed in 1.7.1248.
While it can be edited directly in the backup, and uploaded on the unit, the firmware you have will revert those boxes to ?checked?
I?m afraid you will have to update your unit to at least 1.7.1248 if you want this fixed.

Here is how I resolved it :

  1. I installed that firmware version, then restored a backup when PLEG and PLC matched with version 7.47.
  2. I enabled the rule on my FIOS router that prevents internet (not intranet) access to VERA.
  3. I de-selected each of the AUTO update selections for PLC and PLEG
  4. Made sure to do the Vera two step

Thanks all for the pointers, and I hope this one will help someone…I will never auto update an app that is working just fine :slight_smile:

[quote=“MrAutomate, post:7, topic:189021”]Thanks again for the note - Good news ;D , and I will post the solution in hopes I can save even one person from my weeks of trying to get PLEG running fully again.

Well, unknown to me, my firmware version, 1.7.1181 had a bug that prevented the auto update from being modified.

Since I could not turn off auto update, any restore I did had no effect, because the faulty version of PLEG would be re-installed.

MCV responded today "It has been fixed in 1.7.1248.
While it can be edited directly in the backup, and uploaded on the unit, the firmware you have will revert those boxes to ?checked?
I?m afraid you will have to update your unit to at least 1.7.1248 if you want this fixed.

Here is how I resolved it :

  1. I installed that firmware version, then restored a backup when PLEG and PLC matched with version 7.47.
  2. I enabled the rule on my FIOS router that prevents internet (not intranet) access to VERA.
  3. I de-selected each of the AUTO update selections for PLC and PLEG
  4. Made sure to do the Vera two step

Thanks all for the pointers, and I hope this one will help someone…I will never auto update an app that is working just fine :)[/quote]

Glad to hear that worked for you.