Luup Plugin - GMail ATOM Sensor

Another plugin to share, this time something that tracks any unread emails in a Gmail account, based on a particular label (both custom and default multiple labels can be scanned).

Once installed and configured, it will periodically check to see if a particular message has had a label assigned, and if so, it will let you know how many you have. A use-case would be if you’re waiting for something specific to arrive, such as notification email from a system, then you could use this to keep checking and then to make you aware…

As it can be set up to scan all default labels too, it’s a great content provider for Reactor…

Here’s a quick screenshot too…

In the above example, it’s letting me know that there is an unread email assigned to my Vera/ezlo label…

As always, these are created based on my level of skill, so they are not perfect, but they should work and are something to have fun with :slight_smile:

Nice one!

If you make a similar one for Ezlo, we would be happy to put it in the marketplace for you.

Thanks @melih , it’s proving to be a pretty cool plugin. (#15 in my personal Vera plugin catalogue)

As for doing an Ezlo version, that would be cool, but I’d need some Ezlo Controllers to build/test with first before I could explore that route properly… (And not being a programmer by trade day to day, and no plans yet to move off Vera, my learning curve for anything new is sadly not as quick as others :-()