luup code to abort a scene in progress?

I’ve searched a lot for this with only vague references that it is Not possible, but I guess as a last resort, I’m going to ask here anyway.

I have scene#1 that (upon “night” time) arms my motion-sensor. I have another scene (#2) that (upon “day” time) disarms my motion-sensor.

I have a third scene (#3) that (upon my “armed” motion-sensor being triggered) turns on a light immediately and temporarily “disarms” this motion-sensor. Then after 5 minutes, that same scene (#3b) turns off the light and “re-arms” the motion-sensor.

Pretty straightforward so far.

The issue is that, if the sun rises (ie.: scene#2 is triggered) while I’m in between this 5 minute period of scene#3 (ie.:between scene #3 and #3b) the scene#2 does disarm my motion-sensor as it should, but because I am also still in-between scene #3 and #3b, when #3b arises, it re-arms my motion-sensor.

My question is; is there some kind of luup statement I can put in the scene#2 that would abort the progress of scene#3?

Other than this, I will revert to creating a new scene scheduled every so-many-minutes, to disarm my motion-sensor if/when it’s Day-time, but I already have many scenes “scheduled periodically” like to do all kind of things, and I personally I’m not a fan of these hourly (or every so-many-minutes) recurring scenes… I assume that vera has a relatively “slow” processor and I’m trying not to bog it down with too many repetitive scenes.



Other than this, I will revert to creating a new scene scheduled every so-many-minutes, to disarm my motion-sensor if/when it's Day-time, but I already have many scenes "scheduled periodically" like to do all kind of things, and I personally I'm not a fan of these hourly (or every so-many-minutes) recurring scenes... I assume that vera has a relatively "slow" processor and I'm trying not to bog it down with too many repetitive scenes.


you may want to look into PLEG versus managing in scenes. It is Event driven and very powerful.

My question is; is there some kind of luup statement I can put in the scene#2 that would abort the progress of scene#3?

You cannot abort a scene once the actions have been initiated. You could, however, use Lua code to implement the delayed action and then you would be able to test a global variable (set by another scene) before re-arming the sensor. See Delayed Actions for more information on this technique.

If Lua code is not to your taste, follow @BulldogLowell’s good advice and consider using PLEG. See PLEG Basics for an introduction.

Thx guys