Luup beta 1.0.939 is released

Went to upgrade and it said “There is not enough space available in order to perform the firmware upgrade. Please reboot your unit and try again!”

Should I be worried about this?

dont think so, happened to me too, just rebooted and then it worked fine

Went ahead and rebooted and updated. All seems well at the moment. Will post after tomorrow when my pre-programmed time sensitive codes in my 6 locks remove last weeks codes and program the new codes automatically.

I just upgraded from the factory release. I noticed 3 things.
(1) AM/PM is gone (stressed my higher math functions :D)
(2) My sunrise/sunset events all lost the day of the week info and had to be re-entered.
(3) also, sunrise and sunset events got swapped.

Other than that…we’ll see. under 24 hrs of run time.