Lua Startup Failure in PLEG

I just noticed within the last month or so that my PLEG is showing Lau Startup Failure. My license fee was paid but not sure that I got properly registered but that was around 2 yrs ago and this is a new problem. I tried updating both the PLEG and the PLC and uninstalled then reinstalled the PLC without success.
Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the PLEG? If so, do I need to recreate my triggers, conditions, actions, schedules, properties, etc?

I added my registration code but this problem persists, any advice?


Did you double-check if any of the triggers/automation have any problems or need to be re-created in order to avoid the failure of the LUA?

Also, please check if all the LUA files required for PLC and PLEG to work correctly are all in place.

How big is the startup LUA? I think we have seen this problem when there is latency on the Vera/MIOS servers. Something like Vera waits too long for the server connection and then the rest of startup isn’t smooth.

Since it took a little while to get a response, I decided to add another PLEG and essentially reproduced my 1st PLEG. However, when complete neither the new or the old PLEG showed the Lau Startup failure message.
When I tested both PLEGs, they didn’t work. When I looked at my Status page for the original PLEG, I discovered that door/window sensors stopped working around June 12, 2021! Power cycling my Vera Plus had no effect. I had a DSC security system installed almost 2 yrs ago and have been using the hardwired door/window sensors. It appears that either my security system is malfunctioning or more likely the Envisalink EVL device that connects my alarm system to my Vera Plus.
I will problem solve this with my security system installer then the Envisalink folks if necessary.
Thanks for the suggestions!