Lua startup error. Powermax stop connecting, too many errors

Good day,

I have been trying and reading forums to get my powermax pro to connect to my new veralite.
But I keep getting the subject errors, in standard mode.
Also unable to enroll…

I’m going to email the logs and cables I am using and I hope you can review and advise some help.


I had the same issue. To fix it, I edited the plugin files (lua) to increment the limits to raise these failures.

It is easy. Download the lua file, open it with a txt editor, look for these figures and change them to higher figures and upload the new file to Vera.

I?m at work so I do not have access to the file to put more details.


My previously working Vera 2 and Powermax Plus started throwing this same Lua startup error last week. It cleared up on it’s own yesterday. Weird.

There can be multiple reasons why this happens. Have a look at the crash file via http://<vera_ip>/port_3480/data_request?id=lr_GetCrashFile123 (replace 123 by the device id).

So it was the rs232 cable. I bought the kit, for the serial cable and it Enrolled in one try.

The auto create zones missed an outdoor infrared beam, connected to a powermax universal transmitter. I just manually created those zones and it is reading the state changes.

Thanks for all the help Ram?n and others.

An expensive way to fix it, but glad that it works!

I encounter this error since yesterday !

I restored a backup and the problem disappeared.
I hope that this error will not come back in the coming days.

Did you look at the PowerMax crash log to see what was causing it?

Hello nlrb,

I have the same problem: Powermax stop connecting, too many errors
I have installed a Powermax+ (plus) a month ago, I even have found a original RJ45 adaptor.
After ordering a FTDI cable I made a serial to USB cable.

First I have connect the Powermaster software to the Powermax+.
After facing some problems that one is working.

After that, I tried to connect to the Vera Lite, but it does not work.

The first time it has made a second (embedded) device, but after some errors I reinstalled it. And like now it doesn’t create any extra device. After a while facing the Powerlink mode en download mode it stops working.

What is the problem?
Is there something about my bridged second Vera Lite??

From the log file it looks like the plugin (files) is (are) not installed correctly. Device 314 is offline.

Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc can't load /etc/cmh-lu//D_Powermax.xml JobHandler_LuaUPnP::CreateDevice_LuaUPnP failed to load 314/D_Powermax.xml so device 314 is offline Device_LuaUPnP::CreateServices Aborting device 314 because the topmost device has no interface JobHandler_LuaUPnP::CreateAllServices failed to create 314 Device_LuaUPnP::CreateImplementations Aborting 314 because it failed to load JobHandler_LuaUPnP::CreateAllImplementations failed to create 314 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::CreateLuaInterfaces can't load plugin /etc/cmh-lu//L_Powermax.lua LuaInterface::CallFunction_Startup-2 device 314 function startup failed (null) with return false LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 314 I_Powermax.xml failed