Lua problem?


Is something wrong with my lua code for message? The scene for radio is working fine, but when I try the scene for message it starts the radio?

And should it be 666 or where do I find what this should be in my Vera Edge UI7?

lua code for message

luup.call_action("urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:Sonos:1", "Say", {Text="V?lkommen hem!", Language="sv"}, 666)

lua code for radio

luup.call_action("urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:Sonos:1", "PlayURI", {URIToPlay="FR:P4 Skaraborg", Volume=60}, 666)

(When I try the TTS function in vera it works)

You have to replace 666 by your device id.

The sonos device id you mean?

Tried it, no difference.

Your Vera device id for the device you created in Vera.