Lua passing variable

could someone help me with the following code that is not working, the testvariable is not passed to the http request

local testvariable = “hi Lloyd how are you”
local http = require(“socket.http”)
– 5 Second timeout
http.TIMEOUT = 5
result, status = http.request(“”)

thanks in advance

You need something like:

result, status = http.request(“” … tostring(testvariable))
Of course if this has has other than alphanumeric characters (like spaces, punctuation, …) you will also need to URL encode the contents of testvariable first.

I figured it out, all i had to do is replace the % with …


Im trying to something similar with a prowl notification, using a variable from a sensor. First creating a variable of the current temperature then passing that to the http.get command to raise a nification… Im not sure how to ammend the script below :

local livingroomtemp = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1”,“CurrentTemperature”,143

local tempurl = (“”… tostring(livingroomtemp) …“&priority=1”)

local status, result = luup.inet.wget(tempurl,5)

Thanks for any tips :slight_smile:


First when posting code use
As the forum will strip the " and add . Adding syntax errors due to pretty quotes. Check for this if you copy and paste code.

Here what it should look like.

local livingroomtemp = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1","CurrentTemperature",143)

local tempurl = ("" .. tostring(livingroomtemp) .."&priority=1")

local status, result = luup.inet.wget(tempurl,5)

Thanks - that works perfectly.