Lua Failure Lua Failure

I just installed IT100 + Wiznet to my Power832/PC5015.
Set up Wiznet as server, local ip, server ip
Installed DSC plugin to my Vera 2 UI 5 through apps. Used ip
Vera creates partion and zones but then I get Lua Failure Lua Failure.
Checked that plugin is set to IT100.

What could be wrong???

There should only be 1 IP address for the WIZnet, I’m not sure how you have two for it. My guess is that the IP Address in Vera is pointing to the wrong spot, but if you can provide a copy of that part of the log ([tt]/var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log[/tt]) I can tell for sure.

Have you seen this post to make sure your settings for the wiznet are correct.,5154.msg34061.html#msg34061

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:3, topic:172931”]Have you seen this post to make sure your settings for the wiznet are correct.,5154.msg34061.html#msg34061

  • Garrett[/quote]

When I try to set the server ip to as the pic in the link (or blank) it says “Invalid Server IP Adress”???

Where are you entering that? It should either be and the port after it as 0 in the next box, or I think somebody else posted that they also got it working by substituting with the IP address with that of the WIZnet itself.