Lost connection sq blaster

Hi guys,

I m having a very annoying problem.

My sq blaster is loosing the connection every two hour.

I set up with a static ip using an apple capsule, reserving an ip using the mac address.

Do you having any solution?

After rebooting the blaster the connection comes back.

Thank you

Is this a new blaster? Or is it an old one that just started doing it? And do you have any thing else plugged into the external IR port?

You may want to check which firmware version you have, as mine used to be quite unstable on older firmwares!


It is the old bamboo punk. No external ir cable.

I believe it s only a problem of wifi Connection but I cannot solve it.

My firmware is the 80, what do you have?

Thanks for the support guys

Interesting as mine is on 79 and I thought that was the latest (released anyway)

Do you know if I can connect the puck with the USB cable to Internet?

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?etu3cx

The SQ guys have an app that you can update the firmware with on their site:


I noticed I have just had a few Square Connect Support tickets delivered into my inbox and they look like they were posted to our system over a few days ago… not sure what happened, so if you have already raised a ticket I will be getting to it ove rthe next 24 hours.

If you haven’t please raise a ticket with us.

We have some new firmware that is getting ready for being a candidate release that may help…


Should the new firmware a100 fix this problem?


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?yhrs20