Well having read the documentation through - both the original and the documentation update - the only thing I can find about preserving configuration data is item 2 under The Daemons (page18) if it means preserving the watched variables then mine isnt.
As a work around at the moment I have a scene which runs periodically and makes
luup.inet.wget ""
calls to ensure the variables are still being watcher I wonder if I can put a call to a scene in the startup code so its only run after reload - need to investigate this.
after a reload the datawatcher looks like
[code]DAEMON = {
VERSION = “2016.10.10”,
client = “DataWatcher”,
destinations = {“”},
errors = {count = 0},
http = {received = 3},
ip = “”,
start_time = “Mon Dec 5 23:05:03 2016”,
udp = {
last_received = {},
last_sent = {},
received = 0,
sent = 0
VERSION = “2016.10.04”,
live_energy_usage = {},
memory_stats = {},
tally = {
HTTP_relayed = {},
UDP_relayed = {},
watched = {}
translations = {}
[cache] = {
LOCAL_DATA_DIR = “/home/pi/vera/cmh-ludl/data/”,
[dash] = {
ICON_PATH = “/cmh/skins/default/img/devices/device_states/”,
LOCAL_DATA_DIR = “/home/pi/vera/cmh-ludl/data/”,[/code]
after the scene is run it looks like this
VERSION = "2016.10.04",
live_energy_usage = {},
memory_stats = {},
tally = {
HTTP_relayed = {},
UDP_relayed = {},
watched = {
["031.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature"] = 0,
["033.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature"] = 0,
["034.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature"] = 0,
["035.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature"] = 0,
["036.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature"] = 0,
["037.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature"] = 0
translations = {}
The altui push to datayours does seem to be preserved.
Is it possible to use the HTML Url command line interface to recreated the saved graphs ??