Looking for Beta Testers - iPhone Vera App


We’re working on an iPhone mobile app for Vera and are looking for about 5-10 beta testers. We’re looking for folks with rather extensive Vera installs including cams, thermostats, motion sensors and home energy monitors (HEMs). All of these are not required, but desirable since we’d like to get feedback on the most devices possible. If you’re interested and have an iPhone 5 or above with iOS 7, please let me know by adding & messaging me at skype using my username here.


Hi Mark

Count me in if your still looking.


I am available.

I’m in if there’s a spot still.

How about AV controls too?

I’d definitely like to help out if you have spots.

Thanks for the interest - please add me @ skype using my username here.


Is there still a spot available?

Yes, there are a few spots left - Please add me at skype using my username here…

ahhh missed the skype part, I don’t have it

Hi @markpddxt

Where do you want to capture feedback?
Here on the forum?

Hi - just wondering if anyone else is testing this new app out ?

I’m already participating, and without giving anything away, it’s very promising…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I’d be happy to help if you still need volunteers :slight_smile:


Hi Alan, we do have a slot open - I’ll send you the info.

Very interested as well.

Hi dbmet - Please connect with me on skype - markpdxt


Emailed you

Yes i would like

i’m a beta tester to homewave (ios) and imperihome (android)

thanks :slight_smile:

Looking for a beta tester with OpenSprinkler or EtherRain - Please reply if you might be interested.