I wondered if it is a way to log what code was used to open a Schlage lock. I have a rental house, and I assign different codes to different people (e.g. tenant, janitor, contractor). I would like to know who entered the property at what time.
You can do that by adding a scene with event for the door lock. The all the notifications can be view in your findvera.com account under Events.
You can also get the events by mail/sms.
Thanks CJ,
i managed to set up events for “Door lock” and “door unlock”. This worked fine. I got mails, sms’es and it was registered in the events on findvera. Then I tried to set up events for “using pin code”, using the names I gave for for each pin. This did not seem to trigger anything - total silence when I opened the door using the codes.
I did all of this in one scene. Would I need to establish a separate scene for each event??
We’ll have a firmware that will fix the event for user unlock the door this week.
That field will be replaced with a drop down in which you’ll have all your Codes.
CJ: Are you at the same time adding schlage door lock events to the “events” page on findvera.com? Currently I did not see that there.
I have a rental condo also - on Maui. I create one code using FindVera for each of the renters, and delete the code when the renter leaves - again using findvera’s online service.
In addition I am configuring events in Vera that sends and SMS when the door is opened. I create one unique event for each new code, with the name of the renter. A bit of clicking here and there, but so far worth it.
As for your question specifically: when logging into findvera’s service, you should click on “events” and then click on the “door lock” to the left. That will show you a calendar, where days with bold mark the days where there were registered activity for your schlage door lock. You will see a clear log with date and time for who unlocked the door.
Obviously this all require subscription to the findvera service which I highly recommend. It is well worth the money not having to hassle with building and maintaining your own online service.
I’ve tried this and cannot get it working. I made a scene that is a “Sensor is tripped”, a Deadbolt is locked or unlocked and the sensor is tripped. No go.
SO, I tried a scene “Wrong code” and selected “when a wrong code is entered in” and selected the door. No go
What do I need to do to get this working? There seem to be many “ways” to select a sensor/door. Which one should I select? I see DEADBOLT as an option in sensors, doors, there seem to be so many options. What worked for you? A screenshot to show the event layout would be great, or just more detail on the exact scene setting
Can you see the schlage lock at all in the devices? Can you lock it and unlock it from the dashboard? If you can, then you should see it in the list of options when creating events.
I tried to post a screenshot, but the forum would not allow me (it was a 80kb jpg file). Oh well.
Event “AndersDoor”, ENABLED
EventType: “A user unlocks the door”
What device: “Door lock [living Room]”
What user: “Anders”
Notify Users: ENABLED, “nanckekr”