Log names

I just installed 18.8.10 dev and have the following issue. Log files save, however the rotating log saves as "LuaUPnP_startup.log.(1,2,3 etc) The actual startup log reverts to saving in “/etc/cmh-ludl/logs” also as “LuaUPnP_startup.log”

Here are my start-up params. There are no errors in the logs themselves.

[code]luup.attr_set (“openLuup.Historian.Directory”,“/media/historian/”)
local lfs = require “lfs”
local logs = “/media/logs/”
luup.attr_set (“openLuup.Logfile.Name”, logs … “LuaUPnP.log”)
luup.attr_set (“openLuup.Logfile.Name”, logs … “LuaUPnP_startup.log”)

– /var/log/cmh/ ensure it’s there for AltUI logs
– won’t work the first time it’s created
local altlog = logs … “altui”

lfs.link (altlog, “/var/log/cmh”, true) – true for symbolic link[/code]

The media folder is a mounted USB drive with logical subfolders.

Well, this would appear to be your problem…

luup.attr_set ("openLuup.Logfile.Name", logs .. "LuaUPnP.log")
luup.attr_set ("openLuup.Logfile.Name", logs .. "LuaUPnP_startup.log")

You’ve defined the same attribute twice, with different values.

You cannot change the location of the startup log, the simple reason being that it starts being written before the user_data.json file gets read! They are only written for a short time at restart and are very small. Shouldn’t be an issue.

You could, of course, use a link (symbolic or otherwise) to define the location of the log/ directory and leave the openLuup defaults as they were.

Ah, of course. I will correct the entry. Odd though that it used to work…