Local web page if Vera is NOT the gateway?

What is Vera’s local web page if I am not using it as my gateway?
I already have a router which is doing a bunch of other stuff. I can look at the DHCP list but vera shows up as (NULL) for a “name” so the only choice I have is to get to it via the IP address (or via findvera.com but that’s way too slow).

You should still be able to use the default of Otherwise, connect a computer to Vera when it’s not connected to your existing network. It will find it find then, and then configure your network settings from the Advanced section then Net & Wifi.

Set the system to No Firewall (bidge Wan and Lan…) and from there you can set a static IP if you want.

[quote=“DrZWave, post:1, topic:164192”]What is Vera’s local web page if I am not using it as my gateway?
I already have a router which is doing a bunch of other stuff. I can look at the DHCP list but vera shows up as (NULL) for a “name” so the only choice I have is to get to it via the IP address (or via findvera.com but that’s way too slow).[/quote]

Can you define a host name in static DHCP settings on your router?

I configured Vera to a static IP.
Since it’s now at a static IP on my 192.168.x.x network it will always be at the same address.

findvera is too slow

If you go to findvera.com and login with the username/password, then it is slower because our secure server is relaying. But if you go to findvera.com from anywhere on your local network, and you click the green ‘setup Vera on my local network’ button, it should instantly redirect you to Vera on whatever IP Vera got most recently, and should be faster than doing a wins name resolution or anything else. Can you clarify?