Local Concierge Server connecting to fwd6.mios.com instead of local IP

I have noticed that my local Concierge Server eventually connects to my local Vera 3 UI5 using fwd6.mios.com instead of local IP. Voice commands take much longer to execute when this happens.

Has anyone encounter this and if so, what was your solution to make certain the CS stays connected locally. My local Vera is on a different subnet and it starts out using it’s local IP.


Yes. I have had this issue.

Restarting the server would resolve it temporarily.

I was having connection issues with google home separate from Vera Concierge. I ended up getting a router with better wifi coverage and my google home issues resolved. I also noticed the IP listed in VC ceased switching to the mios servers and stayed with the local IP. I have a zotac mini computer running VC, with a static IP. It connects to my wireless network. I theorize that my weak wifi was causing VC server act odd and somehow defaulted to the mios server.

Not sure if this helps. Good luck.

This can happen if your Vera is down for a long time or takes a REAL long time to reboot.

I have some long timeouts that should survive a reload/reboot … but if that fails it tries to access via Remote servers, and if they respond (because Vera finally rebooted) then it sticks with that connect for a while.

Wondering if there is any way to FORCE VC to stay with the local IP?

Seems like about twice a day mine goes to the Mios servers. If I leave it, the correction to the internal IP occurs with the auto restart. I have been doing manual restarts when I notice it. I am not sure if the issue is the box I have VC on (a Zotac), my network or what.


The exact same issue here with VC on a RP3 (raspbian jessie) and Vera Edge on the same subnet. Update and Restart doesn’t seem to do anything (neither auto restart)

Given the delay due to remote access, forcing Vera IP address would be great ;o)

Thanks again for the great job!

EDIT : The problem was due to local authentication being set on Vera Edge