"Loading data" UI5 Dashbord takes too long

Accessing Vera from local network I keep getting “Loading Data” when loading UI 5 then it times out and I get “Unable to retrieve data, please try again later. If the situation persist, please check your internet settings.”

I know internet is up, vera can ping google.com, etc but this is becoming a serious handicap in using the device.

In a way VERA is “relying” on internet server to function. They keep on saying internet is not required but it’s next ti impossible, you can even load UI5 if MIOS servers are dead.

I have a similar situation with the two Veras in bridged mode. The Primary Vera has almost all of the ZWave devices and most of the logic such as PLEGs. The Secondary and bridge mode is fairly new and doesn’t have much one it, smoke detectors, cameras, etc.

Startup on the two is like night and day, the Primary seems to take forever but it does eventually load whereas the secondary is on in a few seconds. Both are on the same Ethernet Switch to the same router.

I’m not sure but I may have “resolved” the issue by removing an unresponsive foscam from the device list. I can not confirm if this had done the trick, or MIOS servers on the internet may have become responsive. If you’re having experiencing long delay waiting for initial webpage load witinh local network, you may want to check if there are devices such as misconfigured webcams that might be delaying the initial page load in the browser. Your mileage may vary.

Mios servers have been having problems. Do a search.

Yes Mios servers have been on the blink. But this brings up an important point about Vera access.

If you are on your LAN, STILL relying on a remote server to access your local equipment is just wrong. From the very least, your Vera should work independent of Mios if accessing locally. The firmware should allow some sort of cached partition for data used by Vera for local operation.

What do you think?

[quote=“bucko, post:5, topic:182857”]Yes Mios servers have been on the blink. But this brings up an important point about Vera access.

If you are on your LAN, STILL relying on a remote server to access your local equipment is just wrong. From the very least, your Vera should work independent of Mios if accessing locally. The firmware should allow some sort of cached partition for data used by Vera for local operation.

What do you think?[/quote]

It is. Enter your vera ip and it will work even without the server’s or Internet access.

I’d be really happy if someone came up for a solution to this issue. Even when the mios servers ARE up there is a delay.

Yesterday I had to wait several minutes for a timeout before the web page loaded (I use LAN IP)

I enter direct local IP of the VERA unit to access within the local network, but still getting “LOADING DATA”.
However, I for me IE loads UI5 faster than Google Chrome. All this might be compounding the issue.

[quote=“bucko, post:5, topic:182857”]Yes Mios servers have been on the blink. But this brings up an important point about Vera access.

If you are on your LAN, STILL relying on a remote server to access your local equipment is just wrong. From the very least, your Vera should work independent of Mios if accessing locally. The firmware should allow some sort of cached partition for data used by Vera for local operation.

What do you think?[/quote]
Vera is designed to provide the most functionality with an internet connection and MIOS servers. Using the internet connection Vera gets a time source(it has no clock), DNS resolution for its underlying Linux OS, remote access tunnels, backups, logging storage, notifications, and more.

Vera can work just fine without the internet or MIOS servers, though you will lose the features that those servers provide. Vera always tries to behave in its originally intended fashion, accessing the internet and MIOS servers, but if they aren’t there, it times out and continues to work.

The internet and MIOS servers are not mandatory in order for Vera to function! That you don’t like an additional delay is understandable, but it does not negate the fact that Vera does not rely on an internet connection or MIOS servers in order to function.

This is right on the border line of fanatical bolonium: because vera is waiting for NTP servers, MIOS servers, etc… Just like plutonium fanatical bolonium can be hazardous to your health. The fact remains; anytime we try to access VERA within local network and there are “problems” with the internet servers there’s a SUBSTANTIAL F-ing DELAY opening VERA page from within local network. Whatever the reasoning is an excuse and not the solution.

For example: I don’t have to wait several minutes extra just to unlock my desktop because the internet is down. We shouldn’t have to wait and wait “loading data” to timeout just so we can access VERA within local network which promised that it does not rely on network to operate properly. It’s pretty straight forward, so I’m not going to ask if you get it?

I’m not an expert but I recall several years ago, when I started with VERA2 and UI4 it was not stalling like this. Infact I’m gonna be anal and say I liked the scenes in UI4 better than UI5. In fact I hate using the scenes in UI5. I wish I could just use shell scripts and cron jobs from command line to do whatever logic I want to program(but that’s another issue) .

Now I have 4 of these VERA boxes and whenever whose servers go down we’re watching the boxes drag their asses like a dog with worms dragging its but on pavement.

I buried thousands of $$$ to all the dysfunctional mesh devices, motion sensors and galore and in 5 years it hasn’t matured properly. Does anyone remember the original promise of ZWAVE that all devices were going to inter operate as a mesh network? Can anyone say Honeywell Lynx?? We bought bolonium.

[quote=“ibmford, post:11, topic:182857”]This is right on the border line of fanatical bolonium: because vera is waiting for NTP servers, MIOS servers, etc… Just like plutonium fanatical bolonium can be hazardous to your health. The fact remains; anytime we try to access VERA within local network and there are “problems” with the internet servers there’s a SUBSTANTIAL F-ing DELAY opening VERA page from within local network. Whatever the reasoning is an excuse and not the solution.

For example: I don’t have to wait several minutes extra just to unlock my desktop because the internet is down. We shouldn’t have to wait and wait “loading data” to timeout just so we can access VERA within local network which promised that it does not rely on network to operate properly. It’s pretty straight forward, so I’m not going to ask if you get it?

I’m not an expert but I recall several years ago, when I started with VERA2 and UI4 it was not stalling like this. Infact I’m gonna be anal and say I liked the scenes in UI4 better than UI5. In fact I hate using the scenes in UI5. I wish I could just use shell scripts and cron jobs from command line to do whatever logic I want to program(but that’s another issue) .

Now I have 4 of these VERA boxes and whenever whose servers go down we’re watching the boxes drag their asses like a dog with worms dragging its but on pavement.

I buried thousands of $$$ to all the dysfunctional mesh devices, motion sensors and galore and in 5 years it hasn’t matured properly. Does anyone remember the original promise of ZWAVE that all devices were going to inter operate as a mesh network? Can anyone say Honeywell Lynx?? We bought bolonium.[/quote]

I take it you don’t have a phone or tablet? Do you carry a desktop computer around with you to turn on lights?

How long have you had your VERA and how often have servers caused a problem?

I guess I couldn’t make my comparison clear; The promise that VERA does not need network to function, yet when internet or “mios” servers go down, opening the UI page becomes painstakingly slow. Agreed?

Ok, on the other hand, I can log on to my desktop, or laptop, or tablet, or smart phone without delay even if the internet servers are down.

How long did I have my VERA? Read my previous post carefully, but long enough I should say.

[quote=“Z-Waver, post:10, topic:182857”]Vera is designed to provide the most functionality with an internet connection and MIOS servers. Using the internet connection Vera gets a time source(it has no clock), DNS resolution for its underlying Linux OS, remote access tunnels, backups, logging storage, notifications, and more.

Vera can work just fine without the internet or MIOS servers, though you will lose the features that those servers provide. Vera always tries to behave in its originally intended fashion, accessing the internet and MIOS servers, but if they aren’t there, it times out and continues to work.

The internet and MIOS servers are not mandatory in order for Vera to function! That you don’t like an additional delay is understandable, but it does not negate the fact that Vera does not rely on an internet connection or MIOS servers in order to function.[/quote]

It’s very understandable and I appreciate the additional functionality provided by external servers. I believe this communication is made continously and not only when someone tries to access Vera by HTTP.

I can’t see the reason though, in a situation where Vera can’t acess the Internet, why we should need to wait several minutes for some kind of time out at the exact moment that we need to access the Vera.

The other day I had an “aucustic alarm situation” here and needed to acess my Vera with HTTP (within my LAN of course) just to disarm my alarm and turn the noise off. Those minutes waiting for the timeout felt a bit long. ;D

@farang - I totally agree, it is lengthy and it would be nice if they made changes to reduce the delay.

I was however addressing the repeated statements and implications in this thread and elsewhere that Vera cannot function without MIOS servers or the internet. A statement that remains false, despite inconveniences and delays that may be incurred without such access.