Lights turning off, even when motion detected

I’ve got the Schlage rs200hc. I set the jumper on the test pin, so that it gives me 5 sec reset… not really sure the difference between 5 sec and 4 mins setting…

So I put it in my kitchen, and set it to go off with the following conditions.

(Not KitchenMotionTripped) and KitchenLightAutoOnDetected and (KitchenLightAutoOnDetected; Now > 10:00)

The thing is, that after 10 mins, the light turns off, almost no matter what. I would have thought that if it detected any kind of motion it would reset the clock to 10 mins… is my assumption incorrect?

That depends on how your Condition KitchenLightAutoOnDetected is written. The ten minute timeout will only get restarted if this Condition gets a new timestamp whenever motion is detected even if the light is on.

You may find it easier to use a SelfReTrigger Schedule instead of Now. Send the StartTimer Action whenever the motion detector triggers. Turn the light off if it is on when the timer ends.

So I have it set like this:

TurnKitchenLightOn; KitchenLightOn < 1:00

(Not KitchenMotionTripped) and KitchenLightAutoOnDetected and (KitchenLightAutoOnDetected; Now > 10:00)

(Not KitchenLightOn) and KitchenMotionTripped

[quote=“johnes, post:3, topic:182424”]So I have it set like this:

TurnKitchenLightOn; KitchenLightOn < 1:00

(Not KitchenMotionTripped) and KitchenLightAutoOnDetected and (KitchenLightAutoOnDetected; Now > 10:00)

(Not KitchenLightOn) and KitchenMotionTripped[/quote]

So once the light is on, the motion detector is ignored and KitchenLightAutoOnDetected does not get a new timestamp. This is why the light does not stay on while there is continuing motion.

You may get better results using:

TurnKitchenLightOff (Not KitchenMotionTripped) and KitchenLightAutoOnDetected and (!KitchenMotionTripped; Now > 10:00)

This will turn off the light if it was turned on by the motion detector and it is ten minutes since the last time motion ceased.