Leviton scene controllers

Hi guys. I feel like I come here with always the same type of question. I’m going to add more s end controllers for my setup.

When I added my last Leviton scene controller last year I found out scenes don’t work anymore on the scene controllers? You have to use triggers? Meaning no more sung the scene tab in the setup and using only triggers. Support helped me set these up. Well they work like 80 percent of the time. My old scene controllers from Leviton are still using the tap with scenes and are flawless.

Has anything changed? Am I still using triggers for scenes vs scenes tab on the new scene controllers? Also support couldn’t get the rocker dimmer at the bottom of the scene controller to work on the new ones either?




You should use not use the scenes tab in the Leviton scene controller. Use the scene controller buttons as triggers in the scene setup. The dimmer rocker switch at the bottom of the Leviton controllers do not work with Vera.