Leviton 1 button scene controller creates 2 devices when added to Vera


I have a Leviton 1 button scene controller. When I add the scene controller to Vera, it creates the following devices. A _Scene_Controller and _1 button scene controller device is added.

Has anyone else seen this? I wonder if this is normal.


Mine didn’t add two devices, just one.

Try to exclude/re-include? Or refresh the browser to make sure it isn’t a cache error?

Thanks for the quick reply. I will exclude and re-include it to see if it goes away.

I have a quick question to you PurdueGuy since you have a Leviton scene controller. Does your Leviton scene controller work properly for you with the status update from the associated switch and the led indicator?

I have tried so many different combinations, I don’t always remember. :frowning:

Currently, my VRCS1 is set to NOT be configured automatically, and I used the Leviton Programmer (VRCPG) to create the scenes. Since it is essentially a Leviton only setup, it works, but ONLY when triggered from another Leviton controller, or toggled manually at the lights.