Latest Z-Wave Alliance News

Just some random note from the latest Z-wave Alliance announcements:

“Eight Alliance members have recently certified Z-Wave Plus products, which take advantage of the latest Z-Wave features. The products, introduced by Aeon Labs, Everspring, Leak Intelligence, Philio, RTCOA, Vision, Wink, and Z-Wave Europe, include switches, dimmers, valve controls, motion and temperature controls, dongles and strobe sirens.”

So it looks like next-gen (500 series chip) Z-wave devices will more than likely be hitting the shelves soon. Of course, no info from MCV as to whether they can or will support those devices.

“Webee will be introducing a “learning” smart home system at CEDIA that is powered by Z-Wave. The system learns habits, preferences and schedules for a full range of smart-home systems, not just lights or thermostats. In addition, the system is claimed to keep on learning household behaviors in perpetuity.”

And yes, product will be shipping this fall.

Just a couple of the more noteworthy things, IMO. Lots of companies doing lots of things and actually shipping product.


Good stuff