kwikset sl_LockButton

Hi Everyone,

i was with ui5 and upgraded to ui7. everything is fine except my kwikset doesn’t fire anymore the when i press the lockbutton ouside. I found that if i reset the variable sl_LockButton to 0 then next time i press it will fire and put 1. But after that nothing.

can someone help?

I am having the exact same issue. Upgraded to VeraPlus from our Vera3 and the lock button shows in PLEG that the last time it was pressed was Dec 16th - it’s now Dec 30th. The lock button press is a trigger for my away scene. Not sure why it doesn’t reset itself to 0 after being pressed in UI7 as it did in UI5. Any suggestions on how you might get the lock to change the variable back to 0 would be appreciated. I am going to poke around the advanced editor of PLEG to see if I can change that variable after the button gets pressed and will report back

I suggest to exclude the lock and re-include it. You probably won’t find detailed information on this and that is why most people default telling you to do this process.

I went from VL to VP and tried bridging. It wasn’t worth it and excluded/re-included everything. Furthermore, the Vera instructions stipulate on some occasions, the underlying changes in the chip may cause z-wave incompatibility when doing the backup restores into new systems.

So the easiest method if this is the only device not working is to backup your scenes/info/pleg and exclude/include the lock.

I agree with you regarding the transfer which is why I have actually excluded and re-included my entire network and rebuilt all my devices and scene’s from scratch. Over 300 items to deal with and it took me the better part of a week. We had tried unsuccessfully to upgrade our Vera3 to UI7 and that was a big mistake. Our Vera3 was rock solid and stable for nearly 6 years and after the upgrade attempts, it was a complete mess. Devices constantly just losing configuration and disappearing altogether. It was such a headache that we opted to go with the VeraPlus and start from scratch. I am happy with the result though. We are 3 weeks in with the new VeraPlus and the response times and integration with Alexa and the ha bridge have been crisp and reliable so far. I do miss not being able to “heal” like in UI5 but it seems to be doing a good job repairing itself if I move devices around. So long story short, I think this is a UI7 and Kwikset lock issue with the lock button. I’ll open a support ticket and also look for a workaround.

[quote=“Ryanoc75”]I agree with you regarding the transfer which is why I have actually excluded and re-included my entire network and rebuilt all my devices and scene’s from scratch. Over 300 items to deal with and it took me the better part of a week. We had tried unsuccessfully to upgrade our Vera3 to UI7 and that was a big mistake. Our Vera3 was rock solid and stable for nearly 6 years and after the upgrade attempts, it was a complete mess. Devices constantly just losing configuration and disappearing altogether. It was such a headache that we opted to go with the VeraPlus and start from scratch. I am happy with the result though. We are 3 weeks in with the new VeraPlus and the response times and integration with Alexa and the ha bridge have been crisp and reliable so far. I do miss not being able to “heal” like in UI5 but it seems to be doing a good job repairing itself if I move devices around. So long story short, I think this is a UI7 and Kwikset lock issue with the lock button. I’ll open a support ticket and also look for a workaround.[/quote]Don’t forget to do a manual heal on your VP. The link is floating around for ui7. It helped immensely and I have around 24 devices total.

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