Kwikset Lock status unreliable

Hi, all my devices except for the kwikset lock display accurate status on iVera - however for some reason the kwikset lock status in iVera doesn’t match UI4 or the device about 50% of the time. If I stop and restart the app a few times it seems to correct itself eventually. But I’ve left it sitting there for more than 30min displaying the incorrect lock status, while UI4 and the mobile web are accurate and during this time I can turn off a light manually, and iVera will correctly update the light status - yet will still leave the lock status incorrect.

This really reduces the usefulness of the app for me, as my main use for remote operation is to check status of the house. So when I’m away from the house and it incorrectly displays the front door is unlocked - while I can of course redundantly lock it remotely via iVera, it leaves a big question mark as to why the door what unlocked or was it really unlocked or not.

in testing it from the house, I’m finding that about half the time it shows the correct lock status.


We have been addressing some bug fixes with our new update (which by the way we plan on sending to Apple today) on top of better UI4/multiple Vera support. If you send me an email at, I can provide you a beta build for you to test with if you would like as I do not have a kwikset door lock to confirm on my end.

Im having the same problem with iVera. Did that update ever get pushed to apple?

The doorlock/kwikset status issue as been root caused and fixed. Currently, there is a 1.0.5 update which unfortunately got stopped by Apple’s approval process before the holidays (and then the AppStore closed for submission) and in parallel, there is another major update (1.1.0) which will provide iOS4 support among other thing and is getting closer to its final candidate version for testing.

Great! Ill keep an eye out for the update. I have an iPhone 4 running 4.2 if you need beta testers for the new update.

What about an Ipad version.