Kodi Remote Control

Reboot your Kodi PC and try again.

I updated kodi to 202 and it installed! thank you for responding!

Oh hey do I need to SSH akb-json.lua ? I canā€™t find that file anywhere on the net anymore and I remember reading how you forgot to upload into our vera and you suspect we might not actually need the file.

I canā€™t remember exactly what aspect of the setup that file was needed for. I did however upload it to my Vera Edge unit when testing all this again. I attached the file above some where on one of the above posts.

Its on this post

Oh right on thank you!

Oh right. Kodi 18.x was Leia before they moved to python 3.x.

Kodi 19.x Matrix they changed to python 3.x and that then broke all previous addons using python 2.x.

The addon we have been using and modifying here was ported for python 3.x by another Vera user on this thread.

So yes you need Kodi Matrix v19.x or above for it.

I am still running Matrix on my HTPCs I have updated them yet.