Kindle - Amazon Apps

@Rakstar … any chance you can get Home Buddy onto Amazon Aps so we cn use it on our Kindles??

Not the answer your looking for but you should consider rooting the kindle.
It’s gotten as easy as one click these days and it really opens up a ton of options for you…

If it was mine and not the wife’s I would … but she likes the simple Amazon view of things. She does control or lake place with her phone and I thought I would get it on the Kindle for her.

I’d like to, but there’s a $99 annual fee to be in Amazon’s developer program. Sure they’ll waive the first year if I sign up now, but paying that much annually for an app that I distribute for free is a bit steep. I don’t get that many donations! :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you tried sideloading?

Or can you install APKs from a URL on the Kindle? You can download it from SlideMe:

Here’s the direct link to the APK:

Good luck!

Thanks for the APK link - I downloaded Home Buddy onto my Sony GoogleTV and it works GREAT!!!