Keeping deadbolts unlocked while doors are open

I have my Kwikset deadbolts set to lock after 30 seconds. You can imagine how many times I’ve cringed after slamming the door forgetting that the lock has opened making the bolt slam against the door frame.

I want the lock to stay open while the door is opened and lock 30 seconds AFTER closing it. How do I setup this action between the door sensor and the lock in Vera3?

You have to disable the auto-relock in the deadbolt. That feature doesn’t know what else is going on in world, so there’s no way to conditionally interrupt it.

A better way to implement this feature is to put a z-wave door sensor on your door and then program some logic (I prefer to use the PLEG plug-in for this) into Vera. It’s a really a piece of cake if you think about, just put some logic in that says “if the door status is closed for XX seconds, them lock the lock.”

That’s what I meant by “between the sensor and the lock”.

The lock needs to stay open while the front door sensor status is open and lock only after xx seconds of being closed.

I disabled the auto-close feature on the lock, installed PLEG/PLC and created a device called “Front door”. For input I used front door sensor with trigger “when opened whether armed or disarmed”. A little baffling now… and that’s A LOT of documentation to wade through.

Any chance I could get a little hand hold through my first PLEG? ??? What comes next for condition and action?

[quote=“goltoof, post:3, topic:185748”]That’s what I meant by “between the sensor and the lock”.

The lock needs to stay open while the front door sensor status is open and lock only after xx seconds of being closed.

I disabled the auto-close feature on the lock, installed PLEG/PLC and created a device called “Front door”. For input I used front door sensor with trigger “when opened whether armed or disarmed”. A little baffling now… and that’s A LOT of documentation to wade through.

Any chance I could get a little hand hold through my first PLEG? ??? What comes next for condition and action?[/quote]

First you can’t have spaces in pleg inputs and conditions. So your “Front door” Must be different. I’ll asume its called “FrontDoorClosed” instead.
You also need to create an input for the door locks current state (locked or unlocked). Then in the condition we need to use these two and say if front door is unlock and opened… Do action (lock door).


AutoLockFD =FDUnlocked and FrontDoorClosed and (FrontDoorClosed; NOW > 1:00)

This is saying if front door is unlocked and front door is closed and front door has been closed for 1 min then its “TRUE” which you add an action of locking the front door.

The “NOW > 1:00” is not very precise. PLEG only evaluates the condition almost every min. then it starts the min. So this might be more like 2 min sometimes. If you want to get down to a precise time use a timer in replace of the “NOW > 1:00”.

You need to check that the lock has also been Unlocked for 1 minute or else if you unlock the door it will immediately lock again if it has already been closed for more than 1 minute.

I asked the same thing here:,30060.0.html

True but I guess I never had that problem since it only evaluates the condition every min.

AutoLockFD =(FDUnlocked and (FDUnlocked; NOW > 1:00)) and (FrontDoorClosed and (FrontDoorClosed; NOW > 1:00))

I guess that would work better
