iViri with geofencing compared to iPhonelocator (accuracy and battery life ?)

I have an iPhone 4s, which i (actually the other half) am using to determine if we are in or out. I am using iPhonelocator, which after a lot of tweaking works fine ish. The only issue is battery consumption. It uses up a lot of battery. I read somewhere here on the forum that iViri’s geofencing works well and does not drain the battery as much ?
I use geofencing on my Android phone, and find it far superior in accuracy and battery consumption to the iPhone (locator).
I would love to hear people experience regarding accuracy as well as battery consumption

mikee123 - After having been in the same boat (I believe we had exchanges on this topic) I perked at the opportunity to use a GeoFence based system with iViri. So far there have been a few kinks to work out in the beta versions I’ve been testing, but overall the performance has been great. Much better battery life (save for the usual iOS BS) and the accuracy has been pretty spot on for me. I set it to 250m and when I’m about halfway down my road, I receive my notification that the Alarm has disarmed successfully. Also makes it easier not having to think about “pausing” the locator plugin and such as well. Now with MultiSwitch capabilities, I’ve got 1 MS for both of us, and a PLEG that takes care of the automation based on that. Works great for me now.

That sounds promising, thanks for the feedback, I will give it a try over the Easter weekend.

Just to give some feedback on my original question. Since swapping over from iphonelocator to iViri, instead of charging the phone (at least) daily, it only needs charging every couple of days. That is a massive difference. And it has more or less stopped the other half complaining… which is even better… ;D
In terms of accuracy, so far it is far more reliable in detecting when she leaves the house / arrives back home
So the verdict is if you are thinking of changing like I did - DO IT !

[quote=“mikee123, post:4, topic:180738”]Just to give some feedback on my original question. Since swapping over from iphonelocator to iViri, instead of charging the phone (at least) daily, it only needs charging every couple of days. That is a massive difference. And it has more or less stopped the other half complaining… which is even better… ;D
In terms of accuracy, so far it is far more reliable in detecting when she leaves the house / arrives back home
So the verdict is if you are thinking of changing like I did - DO IT ![/quote]

Thanks for the nice comments about the app. I am glad you are having good results. It was never my intention to divert users away from the iPhoneLocator plugin, I just found that it never suited my purposes and I wanted to reduce the number of plugins my vera lite was running due to memory constraints. So like all programmer we write code to solve our every day problems and this is just one of those instances. I know there have been instability issues, but look forward to v1.3 as this should resolve most. Also if you are not using iOS 7 the iPhoneLocator plugin is your only hope for this without upgrading to the latest apple iOS release.