iViri Available in App Store

iViri has now been approved by Apple and is available for download in the Apple Store. Come try the first iOS app that supports Voice commands, or take advantage of it’s use of geofencing to activate and deactivate virtual switches when entering or exiting a geofence region defined by the user. (Just FYI - I am the developer of iViri).

Here is the link https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=815317663&mt=8

Congrats. At last

Just bought it. Looks like I have a problem. It’s always crashing after I added the settings , I’m not home yet so I just added the mios info not local info. Will try again when I’m home.

I just bought it too, and I seem to have the same issue with it crashing after I put in my connection info.

Does this app require a connection through mios in order to work?


Please populate the 5 settings in the setting page at first for the connection info. I am working to address this is the v1.1 release which should be coming out soon.

mios username
mios password
local ip
mios fwd server
serial number

if the last 2 are incorrect it won’t work remotely, but once it establishes its connection the app will auto populate them correctly. That was my initial intention but it appears to have been missed during testing, so by populating them it should work for you if you have mios setup correctly. The crash is from fwd server and serial number not being populated correctly.

I originally had the same crashing problem, but after some fiddling (confirm setting, force close app, review setting, etc) it started working. I wasn’t sure of the format for the fw server, so I eventually blanked that out. It auto-populated once it successfully connected.

I like the voice control option, I can see this being useful and getting better in future releases.

I see an issue with the rooms view (unless I don’t understand the concept correctly). I assigned a picture to my ‘Living Room’, and that picture magically appears in the other rooms. I like the option of assigning a picture to the room though.

A future option to backup/restore the configuration would be nice as well as support for camera views.

Hopefully its clarified that its UI5 only somewhere?

Also I expect most people aren’t aware of how to find their fwd server and the format that is should be written in the field which should also be clarified.

[quote=“strangely, post:7, topic:179985”]Hopefully its clarified that its UI5 only somewhere?

Also I expect most people aren’t aware of how to find their fwd server and the format that is should be written in the field which should also be clarified.[/quote]

Please review the app in the App Store before posting please. It specifically state UI5 support only in the description of the app. Also if you launch the app on your home network that the Vera is on it will auto populate the serial number and the forwarding server. I will be fixing the setup in v1.1 and also the room images issue that a previous user reported.

[quote=“knewmania, post:6, topic:179985”]I originally had the same crashing problem, but after some fiddling (confirm setting, force close app, review setting, etc) it started working. I wasn’t sure of the format for the fw server, so I eventually blanked that out. It auto-populated once it successfully connected.

I like the voice control option, I can see this being useful and getting better in future releases.

I see an issue with the rooms view (unless I don’t understand the concept correctly). I assigned a picture to my ‘Living Room’, and that picture magically appears in the other rooms. I like the option of assigning a picture to the room though.

A future option to backup/restore the configuration would be nice as well as support for camera views.[/quote]

I know the issue for the images showing on multiple rooms and this will be fixed in v1.1. Camera support will also becoming soon. I should be getting a new release out shortly that fixes you initial problems.

Just asking since I know this was a recommendation, and I want to help you out and succeed since many people here have already upgraded to UI6.

I’m still at work, and haven’t had the chance to go to the app store yet, so don’t bite my head off for not going there yet when I’m just trying to help you :slight_smile:

Just asking since I know this was a recommendation, and I want to help you out and succeed since many people here have already upgraded to UI6.

I’m still at work, and haven’t had the chance to go to the app store yet, so don’t bite my head off for not going there yet when I’m just trying to help you :)[/quote]

No one is biting any heads off, just want to make sure stuff is checked before commenting as some people may read into comments differently. UI6 will be supported shortly, I actually upgraded to it for a short period of time but there was such much previous functionality that was broken that I downgraded it. Once it is more stable I will work on getting the support done through the app.

v1.1 was released yesterday in the app store. Download it and let me know if there are any issues.

Can I ask - does your app toggle the VS to the opposite state regardless of the initial ON/OFF state ? Or is it ON if you are within radius and OFF if you are outside radius?

When in the geofence the switch is turned on and when you are outside the geofence the virtual switch is turned to the off position. In v1.2 iViri will be supporting both the multiswitch and virtual switch for the geofence ability.


Thanks for the clarification.

Presumably, poor reception/internet connection on the iPhone may result in a delayed response? This was why I asked about expected behaviour.

I have your notifications on as well as a Pushover notification triggered by the VS for monitoring.

I’m trying to configure a geofence for when I leave work (for HVAC control) and I’m not sure if I’m missing something. Is there a way to manually center the geofence instead of using current location? It’s not going to be a huge deal for me as I’ll simply reconfigure it when I get to the office, but setting up my wife’s phone will be far more problematic.

v1.2 will support entering an address instead of using current location. 2 week time frame on submitting to the apple store and then an additional week for approval.

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