It Just Works: What will you change in Vera/MCV

Gueesed: Please dont delete this thread … just kidding my friend

My Dear Fellow Vera User Friends

Suppose you’re the CEO of MCV and control anything to everything in the company what will you change, if any. What we have so far (please feel free to agree/disagree and comment)

GREEN - Vera is a green product with minimal power requirements

  • Vera works out of the box
  • Vera requires least technical knowhow for basic operation and “it just works”.
    SUPPORT & Documentation
  • Vera is supported adequately by Vera support. Remember even Apple needs to improve their support and stop charring extra.
  • Vera has amazing User Community and sharing. I know we have been commented to be overzealous at times but I wouldn’t change a thing, will you
  • Amazing series of documentation with guidelines for mostly everything including but not limited to Lua code as well.
  • Advanced operations like a “logical AND” as in when motion and dark is helped via a simple copy paste with clear guidelines from users and Vera support via Web
  • Most if not all products work with Vera, if not then we have work around(s)
  • Vera management keeps us notified for the development in progress along with road map (as we already know that these guys are working on a basic vera besides working in UI4 etc)
  • Users like you and me have faith in Vera management and developers to make it better - they are constantly working on it
  • We are happy and confident on security of Vera that we open the firewalls for Vera to let it control our front door locks
    Based on another partial recovered thread “it just works”
  • You can access Vera from internet with least concerns about security, being confident on Vera’s security
  • Press a button and lights on, locks locked, temperature changed

So what’s there to change. Vera is here to change the future and is next generation tool for how we “will” live, function and enjoy.

Again – you are the CEO of Vera, would you like to change a thing – please feel free to agree or disagree and comment.

Comments: will take both equally well: case you are ready to buy me a shot of 1939 Macallan or trying to remember to code of your gun cabinet


Regain credibility!
– a formal release policy on production releases. Production must be rock solid.
– a formal beta release policy accompanied by well written release notes
– a formal discussion of Vera vs Vera 2 with feature and functionality comparison
– a formal development path and projected timeline… is UI3 dead? How far out is UI4?

My decision to acquire a Vera was based on excellent marketing and reviews. Unfortunately, shortly after, I was hit with the dongle problem, the new Vera 2 started shipping, numerous ‘beta’ versions of UI2 with varying quirks were ‘announced’ in the forums, & UI3 was released without sufficient usability nor functional testing. As was clear in the many posts on this forum, MCV credibility suffered raising significant concerns by many customers here.

Despite all of that (which was indeed painful), I am now at a very rock-solid 1.0.988 version on Vera and quite pleased with it. It just works - consistently and as designed. My setup is not complex and is primarily for automation of about 15 lights and appliances. No locks, no motion detectors, no thermostats.

What I want most is confidence that this product has a strong future and will continue to improve without the many setbacks it seems to have taken over the last few months.

See if I can get Google interested and dump it before Apple decides to put out a home automation product.

Panasonic already working big time on it, some of the glimpses were part of ces

I don’t think you’ll ever see Apple directly in the Home Automation market. However the iPad/iPhone/iTouch will see a lot of apps designed by 3rd parties for Home Automation and Home Controls.

I don’t think you’ll ever see Apple directly in the Home Automation market. However the iPad/iPhone/iTouch will see a lot of apps designed by 3rd parties for Home Automation and Home Controls.[/quote]

Probably right, but 5 years ago I would have said “I would not see Apple in the cell phone market”.

I don’t think you’ll ever see Apple directly in the Home Automation market. However the iPad/iPhone/iTouch will see a lot of apps designed by 3rd parties for Home Automation and Home Controls.[/quote]

Probably right, but 5 years ago I would have said “I would not see Apple in the cell phone market”.[/quote]
True, it takes them a while, but they use that time to polish the look and feel of the product. Expect an Apple Home Automation Solution in 2057, but it’ll look marvelous.