Issues with iViri

Anyone having crashes please make sure you have your Connection Information all populated, this will be resolved in v1.1 in which case the app will populate everything based on you the user just populating the username, password, and ip address of your vera. If you are having other random crashes outside of the launching of the app, please send me the following data from your vera, and just replace the ip_address with that of your vera’s IP address when running in a browser.


Send the output from that to with a description of the action you are doing to cause it to crash and we will get it resolved relatively quickly. I am ready to publish v1.1 but I want to make sure a majority of the crashes are fixed.

Does the app work with iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 only?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It supports 4s. The only iOS that it does support is iOS 7 and greater, but as far as iPhone support I had beta testers on both iPhone 4, 4s, 5 and 5s.

From the other thread: In geofences, it was recommended I try to swipe left to delete, and that didn’t seem to work. So, I wanted to confirm that I tried that here.


The swipe left should work but i am noticing that there is only a small part of the cell that reacts to it. I am also resolving the case where it allows duplicate geofences to be entered in.

On my device this app is totally unstable. I have managed to get it to start one time.
I have put in all the required data, the data has also been populated the one time it managed to launch.
After that one time I have not been able to get the app to start. It just shows the start screen, then closes.
Is there a issue when having more than one vera?


Please send me the output from the below URLs and I will test to see if there is a problem with multiple Vera’s. There were no issues reported from the beta testers but that isn’t to say that it can’t be a problem and I know I never specifically tested that. Just replace ip_address with your Vera’s ip_addresses. Also on the second URL replace the XXXX with your user name. I will test both and resolve whatever is causing your issues in v1.2.

Please email me the output from both links at and I will work on your issues immediately once this data is received.

Sorry for this buggy connection issue, I wish it would have been discovered in beta testing to save all of this headache.


haavard sent me his data and I figured out the problem. v1.1 was resubmitting this morning to apple for review and hopefully will be available for update later in the week. This release should take care of everyones problems with connection to the vera and the initial launch crashes. With that said I see the importance to get iViri supporting multiple vera systems without having to change the IP address and this will be addressed in a future release v2.0. Thanks for everyones support and sticking with the app, I promise the value of the geofencing and voice control will be worth these small headaches with the connection crashes. Also I will be updating this forum today with some basic setup instructions along with basic troubleshooting on if it crashes how to obtain the correct fwd server and serial number using some URL’s provided by MCV.

Delete Geofence.

Issue two unexpected behaviour - do not try this at home.
Whilst updating I deleted name and radius and device I’d.
I wanted to go back into Vera to confirm device Id so I click apply forgetting that the keys were now null…
The original geofence stayed and new device with no name was created and then crashed. Had to delete and reinstall.

Had a beer and laughed when I realised what I did.

[quote=“Brientim, post:9, topic:180000”]Delete Geofence.

Issue two unexpected behaviour - do not try this at home.
Whilst updating I deleted name and radius and device I’d.
I wanted to go back into Vera to confirm device Id so I click apply forgetting that the keys were now null…
The original geofence stayed and new device with no name was created and then crashed. Had to delete and reinstall.

Had a beer and laughed when I realised what I did.[/quote]

I have been working on this code and these issues should be resolved in the next release!