Issues upgrading to 1.1.1245 and/or Z-wave 3.20 firmware.


In many threads throughout the forum people have mentioned issues after upgrading to the newest official firmware (1.1.1245) and/or the new Z-wave version 3.20.

In this thread i would like to try to get those issues together in one place.
I have heard so far:

[ul]1. Routing fails on many devices that worked properly before on older firmwares. Often worked for an extensice period of time and stopped working after upgrade.
2. Devices are given variables that belong to other devices and cause the device to become unresponsive.
For instance, a switch that gets all kind of energy variables Or motion sensors that suddenly also show
temperature values.
3. Vera does nightly heals and/or reboots at certain intervalls, not scheduled by the user and a cause is hard to find.
Users seem also unable to stop this behaviour manually.
4. On larger networks Vera becomes slow and unresponsive (memory loads are high).
5. Vera reboots at log rotations after cpu runs up to 99%.[/ul]

If you have more issues or would like to post logs/examples of what i mentioned above, please do.

Most people have been able to restore functionality by ex- and re-including devices, setting up their complete network from scratch and rigorous steps like that.

Also, i have not heard form people who set up a clean network on the new firmware, that have issues (except heavy memory and cpu loads with their consequences).

Lets hear what your problems are!

Hello Henk & HELP!!!

I’m running 1.1.1245, but not using 3.20 firmware.

Here’s my Z-Wave setting:

Version 2.78 L:1

I have been so busy & have not had time to play around with my Vera. What is concerning me now is I have light switches turning on by themselves. Right before my eye I had 2 differnt switches turn on… What concerns me besides this saving me electricity, is that I have Z-Wave modules connected to my saltwater fish tank & it controls my alarm system…

I have about 45 Z-Wave devices & whenever I need to add another module. My Vera does not pair correctly at times & when adding a scene I have to do it about 3 times, because it either never selected the device or just wouldn’t work.

Also, what’s the deal with the Role Suc SIS:YES PRI:NO?? Since I have called Mi Casa Verde 3 times about this & have send 2 emails with NO RESPONSE!!! I would really hate to do a wipe & restart, but if I have to then it is what it is.

[quote=“computerjohn, post:2, topic:168558”]Hello Henk & HELP!!!

I’m running 1.1.1245, but not using 3.20 firmware.

Here’s my Z-Wave setting:

Version 2.78 L:1
Role Suc SIS:YES PRI:NO[/quote]

Hi @computerjohn
Nothing wrong with your firmware versions.
If you want Vera to be your primary controller you can do a “shift controller” as discussed here:
(or here:

I understand your worries for your saltwater ecosystem and security system but cannot make your problems go away magically alas…

This is not unusual, many users have seen the same behaviour on firmware 1.1.1245.
You might consider to pair using the UI as described here:

Remember when adding a scene, do it step by step and save after each change. Vera does not accept multiple changes at a time and then save them together
(as described here:

Being on 1.1.1245 you should see something like this (in your case as describes at the top of your message):

Version 2.78 L:1 House/Node Role Master SIS:NO PRI:YES

You can reach that by trying to click “Shift controller” as described in the thread on top.
(you might need to repeat this a few times, even powercycle Vera once or twice, accept the error message that she cant shift controller and eventually it should work. (as you have read in the thread i mentioned)

Let us know if any of this helps!


I upgraded to 1.1.1245 on June 9. The is a remote location so I’ve been unable to get to it until today. All my notifications disappeared, I’m no longer seeing any events logged (though I know there have been several each day).

Also, I have about 20 lock codes configured on my KwikSet lock. The codes survived but the names I had associated with them disappeared.

Any idea what I should do to recover these.


Can you let us know how you upgraded? remotely? did you choose to keep or discard settings?

To troubleshoot your current problem, have you tried powercycling Vera?
Did you create a backup prior to upgrading that you can try to recover now?


[quote=“JimiB, post:4, topic:168558”]I upgraded to 1.1.1245 on June 9. The is a remote location so I’ve been unable to get to it until today. All my notifications disappeared, I’m no longer seeing any events logged (though I know there have been several each day).

Also, I have about 20 lock codes configured on my KwikSet lock. The codes survived but the names I had associated with them disappeared.

Any idea what I should do to recover these.[/quote]

I have a Vera 2 that asks me to upgrade to 1.1.1245 every time I log in to it. I finally tried it because I was local and I’m normally 1200 miles away. From IE9 it won’t ever do anything when I click the upgrade button. In firefox5 it says it’s done upgrading in about 5 minutes. At that point I reload the page and the firmware tab says:
Error: Invalid Platform.

I’ve tried reseting the Vera and tried upgrading from and it also says the upgrade is finished but then when you hit next it goes back to asking if you want to upgrade again or not. It’s stuck on .1186. Help, am I the only one. I’ve got about nine hours into this thing now. It took about an hour and a half just to get one of my schlage locks to pair again. I only have one more day with it before I have to head back


I have created a more extensive wiki page on Firmware updates here:

Have you tried this link in your browser?

It should take you through the automatic upgrade procedure.

Lately some of us are seeing issues with later/newer browser versions.
It seems Firefox 3.6 and IE8 are most stable for what you are trying to do.

If all else fails, let me know, there is also the option to do a manual upgrade by dropping an url into the appropriate box of your UI (as also described in the wiki). I could get you the URL for 1.1.1245, or you contact MCV support to help you out.

[quote=“reiserx, post:6, topic:168558”]I have a Vera 2 that asks me to upgrade to 1.1.1245 every time I log in to it. I finally tried it because I was local and I’m normally 1200 miles away. From IE9 it won’t ever do anything when I click the upgrade button. In firefox5 it says it’s done upgrading in about 5 minutes. At that point I reload the page and the firmware tab says:
Error: Invalid Platform.

I’ve tried reseting the Vera and tried upgrading from and it also says the upgrade is finished but then when you hit next it goes back to asking if you want to upgrade again or not. It’s stuck on .1186. Help, am I the only one. I’ve got about nine hours into this thing now. It took about an hour and a half just to get one of my schlage locks to pair again. I only have one more day with it before I have to head back[/quote]

I’ve tried all those things except for the Advanced manual upgrade. I’ve even tried the firmware upgrade tool from here: Update Firmware - MiOS. The software would not find Vera2 so it was useless. I just want to know why it says invalid platform now on the firmware tab. Maybe in a month or so I’ll be out to try again with the Advanced manual upgrade.


Sounds like a partial firmware upgrade process.

In your case i would suggest to open a support ticket with MCV.

You say you tried it all, also dropping the custom url in the upgrade dropbox?


[quote=“reiserx, post:8, topic:168558”]Henk
I’ve tried all those things except for the Advanced manual upgrade. I’ve even tried the firmware upgrade tool from here: Update Firmware - MiOS. The software would not find Vera2 so it was useless. I just want to know why it says invalid platform now on the firmware tab. Maybe in a month or so I’ll be out to try again with the Advanced manual upgrade.[/quote]

I tried a couple different urls that pointed to the 1245 firmware. I even tried the 1298 beta and no go.


What OS are you using on your computer? If perhaps Windows7, you should run the application in XP compatibility mode, otherwise the networkcards are not detected.

[quote=“reiserx, post:8, topic:168558”]Henk
I’ve tried all those things except for the Advanced manual upgrade. I’ve even tried the firmware upgrade tool from here: Update Firmware - MiOS. The software would not find Vera2 so it was useless. I just want to know why it says invalid platform now on the firmware tab. Maybe in a month or so I’ll be out to try again with the Advanced manual upgrade.[/quote]

I attempted to upgarde to the new firmware and the upgrade failed. My Vera2 will not reset or connect to the internet. When I upgraded, the system told me to wait for at least 15 minutes and if the system did not respond, unplug the unit and plug it back in. When I did that, NOTHING! I’ve tried the reset button on back of unit, still nothing. The ETH1 and ZWave lights come on when I plug unit back in but then they go out and do not come back on regardless of the amount of time I wait. So, I plugged my laptop directly into the Vera and I get a screen with black background and the following message in red:

Network Error!

We are sorry! There was a problem and the MiOS firmware could not be dowloaded automatically from server.
Please connect your box to the internet, then turn it off and then turn it back on.
For a manual network configuration please click here

I seem to be stuck! I would sincerely appreciate some help! Thanks!!



I’d contact MCV Support and see what they suggest in this situation.

Also, if all else fails, there is a way to reflash Vera (if you have the right environment).

Everything has been working fine for the last couple months. I upgraded to 1245 and 3.2 a while ago. Just a couple of days ago 3 of my GE/Jasco outdoor ZW4201 and a GE receptacle 45605 stopped working. Our Koi ponds, fountain pumps and landscape lighting didn’t turn on as expected.

I could get them to respond sometimes when I put a manual routing in the advanced tab, but often they become unresponsive after a couple tests or the next day.

The funny thing is that I have 4 Intermatic HA04 outdoor modules and they continue working fine.

I think the routing has become messed up. Vera also becomes unresponsive and has caused the iVera app to crash when it says Server Busy.

Do you have ‘Use MiOS routing instead of Z-Wave’ checked or unchecked? (Z-Wave device > Options).

Ok. I’m really, really out of options.

Unlike on my old Vera1 (which now I regret ever putting it away), z-Wave has never worked on my Vera2. It was not ever able to find my z-wave devices.

What I tried :

Upgraded from the original version xxx (don’t remember anymore) to 1.1.1245 :
z-Wave does not work. I get a “ZWAVE: Failed To Start”, No info int the Z-Wave- device info tab.
“Use X-Wave version 3.20 instead of 2.78” On orf Off didn’t change the version (which according to Vera is Version 2.78 L:1. “Reset Z-wave chip” didn’t change anything. The message window persist: “ZWAVE: Failed To Start”.

I did send a ticket (now about 6 weeks ago) but still got no response.

Then I’ve tried to upgrade the firmware again by going to [Private Beta SW Link redacted], and followed the instructions and ended up in:

“Your vera was upgraded to 1.1.1321”

Pressed on ‘Continue’ then again it says :
“Version outdated”
“Before we continue, I need to upgrade the firmware on your vera.
Once you have confirmation the upgrade is complete, please start over again by going to

“Can I upgrade it now ?”
“Yes” “No, just leave Vera as-is”

“Your version: 1.1.1245”
“Upgrading to [Private Beta SW Link redacted]”

Pressing “Yes” only goes thru the same loop and getting back to this “Version Outdated”

And true, Vera also says firmware is 1.1.1245.
But even worse: Now Vera’s Firmware tab says :
“Error: Invalid platform”

Getting more than a bit lost here, and prepared to loose my settings, so I tried the “Firmware Flash Vera2” instructions page, and followed the instructions there to use the Vera2 Firmware Flash Tool and the micasaverde_backfire_v8.bin, using WindowsXP sp3 without a firewall or antivirus:
Results : The Flash Tool could not find my Vera even though the power led is blinking.

I’m quite sure I’ve tried everything now and my Vera is still stuck in the firmware version 1.1.1245, “Error: Invalid platform” and “ZWAVE: Failed To Start” state.
There’s also no “reset to factory defaults” button.

ssh to Vera is still possible.
Also tried to use the “mtd -r write /tmp/[Private Beta SW Link redacted] linux” from the command line on Vera (of course after putting the imagfe in /tmp), but it fails with “Bad trx header This is not the correct file format; refusing to flash. Please specify the correct file or use -f to force. Image check failed.”

Should I try the “-f” option and risk bricking even further ?

Please. Micasaverde. Mios. REACT.

Wimmt, It’s unfortunate this wasn’t resolved when it first happened. At the beginning when it said “ZWave: Failed to start”, before doing anything else, tech support should have fixed it right away. Normally that Z-Wave failed to start simply meant that it failed to download something when it was upgrading. It happened to a few customers and was easy to fix if you enabled the tech support back door. Can you send an email to ‘’, and put ‘from wimmt’ in the subject? I’ll set a reminder to check the support email box and look for it, and then I’ll arrange to get someone to fix this.


Thanks for your attention.
I’ll send an email to with “from wimmt” in the subject in a few minutes.

My username is ‘wimt’ (with only one ‘m’ in it) but I’ll just use “from wimmt” just in case you are using a special filter.

Hi I have been running my vera 2 for over a year and just had to do the manual direct upgrade after trying several times to remotely do it. i received an upgrade successful message and have been unable to connect to my unit since. I did the reset and can see vera_ssid on my wireless network but cannot find the WEP code to put in. I cannot connect directly any more.
Any assistance appreciated.


Hi Red,

I’m guessing you had her setup on DHCP?
You could try connecting to her directly using
If you have a router check the IP assignments or if you are able to log in via Mios, you should see the IP listed there.