Is this module gone?

Hello anyone out there?

No new posts for a few months? Is this module discontinued? I cant even find it in the apps section anymore. That would be too bad as it was a great find.

[quote=“Stoosh, post:1, topic:192545”]Hello anyone out there?

No new posts for a few months? Is this module discontinued? I cant even find it in the apps section anymore. That would be too bad as it was a great find.[/quote]

Sonos is still in the app store and working just fine. It’s not discontinued.

or go here

Well, thats good news, except when I search in my app store its not available. It might be because I am using a Total Control version of Vera?

Also if I try to update the Sonos app I have there are no browse buttons next to upload files for any of my Sonos files? They were there last August as that is the last time I updated the files. See attachments, some are there, but nothing by the sonos files. ??? ???

If you already have an app installed, it is removed from the listing in the app store. To update an app there is an HTTP call that will automatically update it for you. Just search the forum for the call